The Direct Approach

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Defenders of the Grey Havens
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WanderingTook 1364

Note: This deck was built alongside my Mithlond Coast Guard deck (, and they are designed to work together.


A combat deck that specializes in dealing direct damage.


The lack of card draw is made up for by consistency in theme. Just about every card either deals direct damage, or is part of a combo to deal direct damage. You can't count on any one combo appearing in your hand, but you are guaranteed to draw enough options to hamper the enemy. What this means is that every game will play out differently; for me, that's a highlight of a good deck.


Mulligan for Spear of the Citadel; it goes a long way in this deck. Steward of Gondor is a good second choice.

The hero lineup is strong, so you should be able to survive the first few turns while you get your board state set up.

Specific strategies will differ from game to game, but here are some things that you can do:

  • Almost every ally in this deck is ranged, thus ensuring that RĂºmil can always leave a mark when he hits the table.
  • A timely Fresh Tracks can help ward off an enemy rush, or weaken an opponent enough to take them down with a Gondorian Spearman.
  • Give a Gondorian Spearman a Spear of the Citadel. Between attacks, have your partner deck ready him with Narya. The enemy doesn't play fair; why should you!
  • It might seem wasteful to Sneak Attack with a Galadhon Archer, but sometimes that single point of damage can make all the difference.
  • Sword-thain is included for the possibility of playing Wingfoot (included in the Mithlond Coast Guard deck) on Anborn, a la @Seastan.


The Direct Approach, together with Mithlond Coast Guard, obliterate Raid on the Grey Havens.