Gandalf is Not a Threat

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Gandalf is Not a Threat 0 0 1 2.0
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

bzgaming 66

This deck is designed to make great use of Gandalf. Use the Doomed cards to get set up quickly, then reset your threat with Aragorn and get Gandalf into play with a couple choice Ents and Outlands allies to start wiping the board.


This version (3.0) has not been tested yet, but there aren't many changes: Sword-thain and Tighten Our Belts pulled out for another Warden of Healing, Gandalf's Staff, and Legacy of Númenor. See the previous versions of this deck to get an idea of how well it plays.

Side Board

The side board is also revamped, but I don't see myself actually pulling from it unless I really need help with conditions. Some day, I may try having Sword-thain + Song of Wisdom + A Burning Brand in there for Gandalf, but I just can't find room and I don't like the number of pieces that need to be in play for it to be pulled off.

Glóin may be a good replacement for Sam Gamgee if the willpower isn't quite as necessary and there are a lot of low attack enemies. I might want Narvi's Belt in there at that point though because Leadership resources aren't particularly needed.

Game 1: Journey Along the Anduin (Video Coming Soon)
7 completed rounds = 70
Total combined Threat = 32
Total damage on Heroes = 3
Cost of dead Heroes = 0
Victory points = 4

Game 2: The Seventh Level
5 completed rounds = 50
Total combined Threat = 39
Total damage on Heroes = 0
Cost of dead Heroes = 0
Victory points = 0

Game 3: Druadan Forest
6 completed rounds = 60
Total combined Threat = 24
Total damage on Heroes = 0
Cost of dead Heroes = 0
Victory points = 0


Apr 05, 2016 Kakita_Shiro 41

Apr 05, 2016 bzgaming 66

I had so many cards flying through my mind, I never even thought about it! I'm not sure what I would take out to add it in, but the card draw generally turns out good enough that you can just make it a 52 card deck by adding a couple copies.

The only thing I worry about is that you won't get much use out of it; This deck relies on being fast to set up, so you're going to want to use multiple Doomed cards per round, which means there is some unused potential from the Keys of Orthanc. I would think that in most cases, by the time you get the Keys attached, you'll maybe get 1 or 2 resources from it, which amounts to practically nothing when you pay 1 to play it.

Absolutely feel free to clone the deck and make some tweaks to test them out yourself, but I think I'm gonna skip the keys for now.