Questlogs using this decklist | |
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Card draw simulator |
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Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
Wandalf the Gizzard 2562
I think I've finally found a way to beat EfDG solo progression style and can do so with a 30% success rate. I tried to keep the ally count low and include cards like stand and fight and sneak attack to counter stage one and two's effects. It really only works when Theodred gets captured, but with Aragorn as the prisoner, you still have a very slim chance of not dying a horrible death. Another important point is that the cards guarding the objectives pretty much determine the outcome. Anyway, once I have a semi-stable board state I defeat stage one, and try to start making progress. On a round that I'm not engaged with enemies I free the captive and hopefully take down the nazgul the turn it enters play. Then when I have enough progress on stage two, I wait until next round to claim the objectives, advance, and hopefully win that round without having to deal with the torch's and key's forced effects.
Aug 31, 2017 |
Oct 11, 2017That's a wrong assumption ;) But I can agree that's a poor choice of puting this forced effect on out of play card, but not on a quest card |
Oct 12, 2017I realize that while the Nazgul obviously enters play when the prisoner is rescued, if you were being completely legalistic; effects like that, Brok Ironfist, etc. shouldn't work. Just an interesting thought |
Oct 12, 2017Well yeah, but if I may: Brok is a response. I mean you know your card on your hand. The encounter cards I do prefer not to read them, as in Arkham Horror LCG game, I just put them outside and wait for scenario to call them, just for pleasure of surprise. Here, Nazgul wouldn't be called (I mean, I had play without Nazgul, my first time, then checked him and was surprised that I need to read encounter cards before play). And I am not sure if cards on hands are considered as 'out of play'. I see out of play as 'in box'. You dont even know they exists. |
I just realized playing with this the other day, that the Nazgul doesn't ever come into play! The forced effect that instructs him to be added to the staging area is actually on him, not the quest card; and since he's out of play that effect will never be in play to trigger!