Journey Along the Anduin solo

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
002b - Journey Along the Anduin (spirit/lore) 0 1 0 1.0
Core - Journey Along the Anduin 3 2 0 1.0
Journey Along the Anduin solo 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

I finally settled on what I think is the most efficient way of dealing with Anduin straight solo, progression style. Theodred and Beravor with Eowyn would be more powerful, but this has a much stronger start. I mulligan for Forest Snare. On stage one, I take it slow, usually just questing with Eowyn, but if a high threat card is coming that I saw with Denethor, I quest with some allies too. Eventually, the troll is weakened by Gandalf, or in a snare, so I kill it and advance to stage two. I try to blast through it in as few rounds as possible to avoid staging area build-up, keeping enemies under control with Dunhere. If I survive this long, stage three poses minimal threat and I can coast to victory. One tip: spirit resources build up, so it's best to pay for Gandalf with those. Also, you can discard a lore ally to Eowyn and pick it up off the ground with Stand and Fight.


Sep 15, 2017 mtpolatti 23

Tried successfully through Anduin. Before finding your deck I've tried several of my own, falling short every time.

Sep 16, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Great to hear feedback, so thanks, and good job beating Anduin. I had a lot of experience with this quest before building this deck, so I had the general strategy locked into my head: keep your threat down and pump out an ally army.

Apr 09, 2018 JoostHoppenbrouwer 54

Recently gave a slightly adjusted version of this deck a shot. Had to adjust it since I have only a single core set. Played two games in which I got my ass kicked like I had never before. This scenario is really hard to beat with a single core!

Apr 09, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Yup, it's a big challenge. I've gotten to the point where I can consistently beat it with just cards from the the core set, so keep trying! Things to avoid are big threat spikes, early location lock (leading to threat spike), and low engagement cost enemies showing up before I have a couple allies out. Also, I can't stress enough how important it it to put off engaging the troll and advancing as long as possible. Once I've played all of my threat reduction cards (Gandalf and Galadhrim's Greeting/Dwarven Tomb), I move on before my threat hits 35 so Evil Storms and such don't kill me on stage two. If you keep having trouble try out Xanalor's "Back to Basics" deck, which is also quite good.

Apr 10, 2018 JoostHoppenbrouwer 54

I am familiar with the scenario by now so I understand the tactics involved. However, after trying a lot of decks, I still cannot find a way to consistently beat it with cards from a SINGLE core set. I'll check out Xanalor's deck. Closest I got till now is using Sarseth's "MEC01 Journey Down The Anduin - Solo" deck.

Apr 10, 2018 JoostHoppenbrouwer 54

Managed to get a win with my adjusted version of this deck. However, I think it was a combo of good play and a bit of luck. Got a snare on the Troll and was able to manage everything with Denethor and DĂșnhere. Got a lot of allies into play so quested through stage 2 in a single round. Last stage DĂșnhere took out most allies before they even engaged.

The win was long but solid, but I most wonder how much luck was actually involved.

Apr 10, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Great! Yes, good play is essential in this quest. And a win is a win, whatever the deck deals you.

Aug 18, 2022 maholguin11 1

Wow. This gave me my first win after trying a couple decks and 6 attempts. I felt fully in control while playing through the whole Anduin quest and only took me 2 attempts. Great deck!

May 30, 2023 BromTady 1

New player here. Great deck for sure. I won my first game on Quest 2 with the recommended lore/tactics deck in the Learn to Play guide but couldn't win after that. It seemed like it was heavily dependent on luck of the draw. Switched to this deck and felt like I could control my own outcome. Very strong deck for this quest. Would like to experiment with it for the campaign.