Date Night Orc Hunt
This is an #RCO version of my Date Night Dragon Hunt deck ( that I used for the Ered Mithrin cycle QotW, adapted for the Angmar Awakens cycle QotW. Its primary goal is to keep the traps coming consistently to slow down the enemies and power up Faramir to use Hands Upon the Bow at strategic moments. Damrod serves as the key to your engine, providing cost reduction and card draw. Éowyn is a natural choice for strong early game willpower, access to , and for the strong thematic pairing with Faramir (and vice versa).
The allies are designed to meet the challenges of the Angmar quests without stretching thematic considerations overmuch (Boromir, Legolas, and Elfhelm are mainly present to take advantage of the build-up of resources on Éowyn). Healing is critical and is provided by Ioreth and indirectly by Honour Guard. Mablung, Robin Smallburrow, East Road Ranger, and Meneldor provide questing support. Erebor Hammersmith can recycle used traps or counter shadow effects that target attachments. Dúnedain Hunter is fun to play when you have a Forest Snare handy to immediately snag the enemy you pull (and draw a card for your trouble!).
In addition to your traps, other attachments serve to power up Faramir for ranged attacks (Dagger of Westernesse and Ranger Spear), to allow him to quest and ready to attack Wingfoot, to keep your threat under control (Secret Vigil), or to provide all-around useful support (The Long Defeat, Elf-stone).
The events are few, but they pack a punch. Feint remains one of the most clutch cards in the game (and many of the Angmar boss enemies are not immune to this!), Hands Upon the Bow combos perfectly with Faramir's innate attack boost, and Heed the Dream can help you fetch whatever trap or other card you need (or to help out another deck across the table).
I wouldn't recommend this as a solo deck, but it is an excellent deck to play across from :).