Carn Dum solo nightmare

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Lecitadin 205

This deck won on the second try in solo. Carn Dum in nightmare mode is very tough... A Caldara deck or even a Dunedain deck with traps could not beat it (well, with me as a player....).

In your starting hand, A Test of Will is always good to prevent that treachery that makes you flip Thaurdir. Steward of Gondor goes on Aragorn. Asfaloth is a must, because of some locations that add lot of threat in the staging area.

Don't quest with Glorfindel until you have Light of Valinor on him to avoid rising your threat - this quest will crank it up fast!

For readying effects, Unexpected Courage or Miruvor could be replace by a card like Wingfoot.


Jun 27, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Can you post a general strategy? Also, is there anything you'd sub out for another unexpected courage?

Jun 27, 2017 Lecitadin 205

Done! ;-)

Jun 27, 2017 Lecitadin 205

Done! And you could sub some Miruvor for more Unexpected Courage.

Jun 28, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Thanks! That really helps.

Jun 29, 2017 13nrv 4630

Congrats !!!

Just for informations, i have beaten this NM quest twice with my Caldara deck and lost once ;)

Jun 29, 2017 Lecitadin 205

Which heroes did you sue with Caldara? I had trouble questing in battle mode, and when I had 2 ennemies or more, I could not kill them (most ennemies in the Nm mode have around 7 hit points).

Jun 29, 2017 Rajatz 9

Have you already thought about a Fellowship around this deck ?

Jun 30, 2017 Lecitadin 205

A Fellowship? I always play pure solo one hand... sorry! ;-)

Jul 07, 2017 13nrv 4630

@Lecitadin Same as usual ;)

Caldara/Arwen Undomiel/Galadriel :

Aug 09, 2017 Rajatz 9

Just to inform that I won a game today using this deck. The adventure was Road to Rivendell. Thank you bro

Aug 09, 2017 Lecitadin 205

You're welcome, sir! This is kind of a powerhouse deck, though. Glad you enjoyed it!