Spirit Tactics Secrecy

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Flight from Moria - 1 Player - 2021-01-01
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Eeyoreprime 145

This is a well rounded deck for both solo and group play. Sideboard includes some good buff cards depending on the quest.

Starting Hand

The ideal starting hand would include at least a Light of Valinor, but hopefully a Resourceful and Hobbit Pony as well.


Resource acceleration from Resourceful on one of your spirit heroes will ensure that you can keep Elven-light in your hand for multi-attacking with Trollshaw Scout and multi-defending with Watcher of the Bruinen, while also give you some controlled card draw. Use Merry, Galadriel's Handmaiden, and Elrond's Counsel to keep your threat down until you get a Resourceful or two out.

Buff up Glorfindel, Legolas, and Trollshaw Scout with Rivendell Blade, Rivendell Bow, and Blade of Gondolin (heroes only) for some mean ranged combat phases, and then get some monster card draw from Foe-hammer.

Bofur is available for a quick quest boost, especially if you are still waiting on Arwen Undómiel or your Galadriel's Handmaiden.

Háma is good as a clutch defender if everyone is exhausted, or use his ability to double defend with +5 against two strong enemies.

Lindir comes in handy if you have played your hand, or right before you trigger your Elven-light during the planning phase.

Arod and Blade of Gondolin work great with Legolas to keep the locations and quests moving forward. This combined with Unexpected Courage will speed up your questing if you face challenges. Strategic questing phases can allow you to push the main quest stage after combat is over.


If you plan to swap out cards in favor of some of these, Háma and Lindir are good options from your allies, while Blade of Gondolin and Arod are good options from your attachments. Rivendell Blade and Rivendell Bow can also each be reduced by 1 to free up a couple card spots if you don't want to lose anything.

Ancient Mathom - add this if you need the card draw. Works really well with Legolas' quest acceleration.

Black Arrow - add this if you are running a quest with a particularly powerful foe, especially early-game.

Elven Mail - add this if your Watcher of the Bruinen is not holding up against big enemies and you don't have any healing. Feint may be a better substitute for some of those cases, though.

Feint - add this against quests with some stronger enemies to keep your defenders alive and kill them off.

Hasty Stroke - add this against quests with nasty, game changing shadow effects.

Steed of Imladris - add this for location heavy quests and another source of discard for Elven-light.


Jun 26, 2017 Skeffington 244

Never thought of using elven light with watcher of the bruinen and trollshaw scout. Nice trick :)

Jun 26, 2017 Eeyoreprime 145


Thank you. In nearly every game I've played, solo or multiplayer, this combo becomes invaluable. It is sort of like using Boromir, but without the threat raise or high defense and hit points. I've thought about adding in an Honour Guard to help keep him alive, too, but so far it hasn't been necessary.

Jun 26, 2017 Skeffington 244

He could really shine with a Raiment of War as well. More def and health, so he would be able to not only the weakest among the enemies. And you have 1 attack power for free when hitting back, as he os always ready

Jun 26, 2017 Eeyoreprime 145


Great idea and thank you for the suggestion. I haven't gotten to that box yet, but as soon as it is opened, Raiment of War will find a permanent home here.

Jun 27, 2017 Box of Hats 711

This deck is really cool. I agree that Trollshaw Scout + Elven Light is a really neat synergy. Do you mind if I try to incorporate the idea into a Cirdan, Beravor, and either Hama or Mablung build?

Jun 27, 2017 weloiavala 1

What do you do if you don't get Resourceful in your opening hand? There's no other resource generation, which makes the card draw from Elven-light difficult. Just curious how you get around that?

Jun 28, 2017 Eeyoreprime 145

@Box of Hats

Absolutely! Add a link to the comments with your build when you finish. I am interested to see it.

Jun 28, 2017 Eeyoreprime 145


Good question. I have played several games where I don't pick up a Resourceful on the opening hand (happens more often than I would like). Very few games start out with Resourceful missing in an opening hand that doesn't have threat drops/assists (Light of Valinor, Galadriel's Handmaiden, Elrond's Counsel, Hobbit Pony) or card draw (Foe-hammer/weapon attachment or Elven-light). Not getting a Resourceful can hurt the start of the game, but the deck can operate without one initially. I have played a few games where I will pay the full cost for Resourceful out of Legolas' pool since the tactics cards are cheap and resources often start stacking up.