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Discard Pile
lotr-clams 2
This is mostly just a modified version of the Elves of Lorien starter deck with a few nice-to-haves from Ered Mithrin and Core mixed in. Still a work in progress, will likely tweak as I work through the Angmar campaign.
Card pool limited to:
- Core (revised)
- Mirkwood cycle
- Khazad-dum deluxe box
- Revised starter decks
- Ered Mithrin cycle (Revised hero expansion)
- Fellowship of the Ring Saga
"silvan" ;) the true silvan Galadriel ^^
thematic nonetheless but woudl not achieve "pure race"-award
would include some Galadhon Archer from sideboard to maindeck, eitehr with Thranduil or The Tree People enter play-able.
would increase the Greenwood Archer to 3 it is always good with Galadriel to use both her abilities with Nenya in play but the ring is mandatory anyways.
would increase The Tree People to 3
having Gandalf -ally i think the Sneak Attack is auto include. specially with the Galadhrim Minstrel around who can search it with a bit of luck.
the Sneak Attack is with silvans and Celeborn even outside the use with Gandalf a good card (good boost in combat with Greenwood Archer , Greenwood Defender or Galadhon Archer or even the Defender of the Naith def sentinel with 3) and used with The Tree People using on the leaving at the end of phase-ally makes even more of it.
would discard Quicker Than Sight against hard enemies you should use Feigned Voices and against weaker it shoudl not be needed.
in multiplayer would leave the Steward of Gondor to others. Orophin is enough to use once.
if you get yout hands on, include Galadhrim Weaver but with your actual pool you do not have. consider to proxi.
Protector of Lórien soounds good, but imo is rarely used in silvan-decks. Elrond's Counsel is more of use.