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[Lure2025] Royal Hunting Party | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1.0 |
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In Play
Discard Pile
Crus 91
Updated Version: Most importantly, I wanted to remove Dagger of Westernesse to have these available for other decks at Lure. In addition, another copy of Snowmane is simply great for some action advantage. Usually, I quest with >15 in the third round. This allows to use Gather Information to add some missing pieces to the heroes.
This is one of the decks I designed to take with me to Lure of Middle Earth 2025. Thus, the target is clearly to provide some benefits in a multiplayer game. Furthermore, this is finally a Rohan deck I am really happy with: It is rather consistent and powerful, feels mostly thematic without making use of common unique cards like Steward of Gondor. And I finally found a use for Théoden apart from guarding my binder (with sentinel he can even guard binders across the table!)...
The concept is quite easy: Load attachments on the heroes as quickly as possible. Ideally, the contract flips turn 2. There are some filler attachments which theoretically fit on any of the heroes like Raiment of War or Silver Circlet which are really useful to flip the contract consistently quite early in the game.
There are no big surprises in the roles of the heroes: Éowyn handles questing, Erkenbrand is one of the best defenders in the game with his built-in shadow cancellation (multiple times with the right attachments) and he can even join the attack afterwards if there was some readying left. Théoden assists in questing, may also assist in defending (across the table, if needed), but is also the primary attacker.
Fun facts: (Thanks @alonewolf for two rules clarifications!)
- Round Shield even works if if the Erkenbrand cancels the shadow effect
- The cost of Snowmane is reduced by Forth, The Three Hunters!, although it loses the restricted keyword when attached.
- I realized only during deckbuilding how nicely the B-side of Forth, The Three Hunters! combines with Herugrim and Golden Shield. The numbers generated by these combos are insane.
- There is quite some card draw for consistency included: Campfire Tales, Elven-light, Foe-hammer, Open the Armory.
- Threat reduction is quite sparse, but The Galadhrim's Greeting can be a game saver.
What to look out for
In the starting hand, I want to see some readying, Snowmane is really great here. Apart from that, I want as many suitable attachments as possible to reach the flipping of the contract early.
Ideal Endgame Setup
There are so many combinations that work very well. A perfect endgame setup could be:
Éowyn: Golden Belt, Silver Circlet, Celebrían's Stone, Windfola, Horn of Gondor
Erkenbrand: Golden Belt, Armored Destrier, Golden Shield, Ancestral Armor, Unexpected Courage, Unexpected Courage, Hauberk of Mail, Round Shield
Théoden: Golden Belt, Snowmane, Unexpected Courage, War Axe, Herugrim, Hauberk of Mail, Rohan Warhorse, Spear of the Mark
Multiplayer Benefits
- Théoden provides extra willpower for tactics heroes, although admittedly, there are not many heroes that really make use of this.
- Campfire Tales provides some card draw for the table
- Éowyn can provide some very valuable post-staging willpower adaption, if needed. In a 4-player game, this can range from 0 to 4.
- Most importantly, this deck can safely handle a good share of defending/overall combat
Feb 22, 2025 |
Feb 22, 2025Thorongil should do the same while maintaining the Spirit abilities. I like that idea, thanks! |
Feb 22, 2025i am not sure that Thorongil gives a printed icon. for the ability and sphere (nonprinted) it is enough. |
Feb 22, 2025You're right, it must be printed. I forgot about that. But since I want to use the deck in 4p games at Lure, I would not want to give up on Éowyns ability to add up to +4 wp |
Feb 22, 2025understandable, possible and flexible +4 is better than a permanent +1 |
Feb 23, 2025I have a deck that uses the same hero lineup with the Three Hunters contract as well. Love seeing another one! Have you considered adding Need Brooks no Delay? |
Feb 23, 2025I haven't considered Need Brooks No Delay for the simple reason that I do not yet own any alep content. Still waiting for the group order to take place. I already have a lot of ideas for decks using alep content. If I had Need Brooks No Delay, I would definitely add 3 copies here. This card would be amazing in this deck to consistently find a missing piece. |
consider a Helm of Secrecy to make Éowyn to Éowyn then she get the +1 of her father and her ability can finish some nasty enemies like nazgul or witchking in the mid-late, but its only worth if you do not need more spiritcards, but with Gather Information a solid choose.