Gen Con 2017

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Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

This is the deck I'm planning on taking to gen con. I figured with my limited card pool I'd be better off with a support deck than a deck that works on it's own due to few power hero choices. The stuff in the sideboard is for uniqueness clashes and any gimmicks in Attack on Dol Guldur.


Jun 23, 2017 AKrafty 22

I would throw in doughty ranger and wingfoot for eleanor to cancel every treachery revealed, besides that looks dope. Hoping to see this deck on my side at a fellowship event, #GENCONRULZe

Jun 23, 2017 AKrafty 22

You know what, this is a really good idea! I think Ill post the deck im bringing to Gencon too! I was thinking Sylvan but who knows at this point. Maybe hero Gandalf just to spite anyone who wants to play their core Gandalf's like this deck does, Ha #GriefDeck

Jun 24, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

I actually only have cards up to conflict at the carrock, so no power combos. Feel free to bring hero gandalf, because I just realized 0/36 is tickets open not seats taken! :(

Jun 25, 2017 AKrafty 22

You could still probably get in with generic tickets, I don't have an actual pass either, however there's like a lotr event at some point every day and a lot of people buy tickets but don't end up playing. And hey if we both can't get in u can hit me up and we'll play some mountain of fire if I can get my hands on it!

Jun 25, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

What do you mean by "lotr event?" Is that a gen con official event outside of the attack on dol guldur event? Because I'm pretty sure you need an event ticket to get into that. But a pick-up game would be great! As a side note, if you have Journey to Rhosgobel, it'd be nice if you could bring that quest because I'm interested in playing that to decide if I want to buy it. Thanks!

Jun 25, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

@AKraftyI just had a thought. Maybe we should bring orchestrated decks, so if we don't get in, we won't have to bring a generic, unique -confliction-avoiding decks. Keep me Posted here.

Jun 26, 2017 AKrafty 22

By lotr event I do mean the escape from dol guldur, if someone buys a ticket for the event but then doesn't show, you can buy a spot using generic tickets, that's what they're for. I.e. if you show up to the event w/ generic tickets and there is an opening they'll let you play. Also the cardboard of the rings event will have pick up games and stuff, but that sold out, however the people running it are just gonna let people in until they get yelled at by the convention, so you should go to that too

Jun 26, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Okay, cool. Can do.

Jun 27, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Got those generic tickets and am planning on being there all-day Thursday. Hopefully we'll both get in!

Jul 02, 2017 AKrafty 22

Heck yea!

Jul 15, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

NO WAY!!!! I just checked the gen con site and it has like fifty tickets open!!!!! I hope I can exchange badges.

Aug 19, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

@AKraftyOkay, I managed to get in at both thursday games. The quest is VERY hard and SPOILER ALERT! the alt art hero is Celeborn. Did you get in?

Aug 19, 2017 AKrafty 22

Nah, I caught a really bad cold and lost my voice, so I figured playing a cooperative game would be frustrating. Did get the mountains of fire expansion tho!!

Aug 20, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

Really?! It was pre-released?! I didn't see it. Anything ground-shaking?

Aug 20, 2017 AKrafty 22

Some pretty sweet new quests