Keep em off me.

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Kill them in silence. Don't alert the guards.
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

GrimViking 16

hopefully a good companion deck keeping things from engaging while still having some quest power.


Jun 14, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2542

I think it's interesting that you include Halbarad and Forest Snare, which encourage engagement, in the same deck with Argalad and Traps, which do not. Neat twist!

Jun 14, 2017 GrimViking 16

Yeah I almost confused myself at first trying to juggle it but, the reason is mostly that no matter how hard i tried to build for it engagement would eventually happen. Through threat cards or other effects it was unavoidable so, the idea was to still try to keep them mostly in the staging area but, have the ability to handle them quickly when engagement was unavoidable. Also i should have posted this as well but, this deck was specifically designed to combo in a fellowship with this ones