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In Play
Discard Pile
wpflug13 83
These decks are a companion to my recommend Revised Content Only (RCO) Purchase Order. These are not intended to be highly tuned and optimized decks, rather, they are reflective of what I would build to try out a new deck archetype with the card pool available at that point in the purchase order. I.e. there should be reasonable resource and stat balances in all of them, and they have pieces that I would expect will work together well, but there is likely plenty of opportunity for you to tweak and adjust them based on your experiences playing.
The sideboards in these decks include cards that you may specifically want to consider as your RCO card pool expands. These are also largely focused on trait based deck archetypes. Sphere based decks built around the specific hero abilities or other sphere mechanics provide a different type of deck building challenge and are a lot of fun as well (e.g. take a look at the Elrond/Vilya or Staging Attack decks).
Digging Deeper
Purchase: Fellowship of the Ring Saga and Elves of Lorien Starter
Deck Archetypes: Hobbits, Silvans, Elrond/Vilya
Solid Card Pool
Purchase: Dwarf Starter and Ered Mithrin Hero Expansion
Deck Archetypes:Dale, Dwarf Swarm, Dwarven Mining, Creatures/Woodmen
Continue the Saga
Purchase: Two Towers Saga, Rohan Starter, and Gondor Starter
Deck Archetypes:Rohan, Gondor Swarm, Traps
All the Trait Archetypes
Purchase: Angmar Awakened and Dream-Chaser Hero Expansions
Deck Archetypes: Dunedain, Noldor
Finish the Saga
Purchase: Return of the King Saga
Deck Archetypes: Staging Attack