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Card draw simulator |
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Gameplay simulator | ||
In Play
Discard Pile
wpflug13 184
Status: Unplayed
This is an RCO deck built with only cards from the revised core, the Two Towers saga expansion, the Angmar Awakened hero expansion, the Dream-chaser hero expansion, Dwarves of Durin, and Elves of Lorien Starter. The sideboard includes cards from the rest of the RCO that may be worth considering during deckbuilding as you expand your card pool.
The Noldor archetype treats cards as a resource, discarding them for benefit. The end state for this deck is to try and generally cast two copies of Lords of the Eldar per turn. Going into the end game with a few resources banked will help you keep that engine running, as you'll generally only be able to generate 5 of 6 required with your heroes, Arwen Undómiel's ability, and Zigil Miner. A copy of Will of the West is included in case something goes terribly wrong, but you generally shouldn't need it, as you want to be cycling two copies of Lords of the Eldar through an empty deck. You'll want to try and get a Silver Harp out before you draw it so that you can keep it around.
Erestor provides the bulk of the card draw, and he'll enable you to fly through your deck. Average cost for the deck is kept quite low, as you won't be able to hold on to any more expensive cards until you play a Silver Harp or two. He's a utility hero who will want a copy of Unexpected Courage eventually. With Protector of Lórien, he can be a capable defender.
Círdan the Shipwright provides even more card draw, and he's a powerful quester. He's another good Unexpected Courage target to allow him to quest and attack/defend. In combination with Fair and Perilous, he can help clear some tough enemies.
Arwen Undómiel provides additional resource generation and serves as a dedicated quester. She'll want a Steed of Imladris and is a good target for To the Sea, to the Sea!