The House of Stewards (mono-Leadership)

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The House of Stewards (mono-Leadership) 13 6 3 1.0
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Warden of Arnor 6024

The release of Leadership Denethor opens up new options for the House of Stewards lineup, like going mono- with all the power that can entail. Mostly you just swarm your Gondor allies with the boosts from Boromir and Visionary Leadership, but Denethor also opens up at-will readying from Heir of Mardil, Rod of the Steward provides some thematic card draw, and being able to go mono- allows us cheap access to Tome of Atanatar and even more significantly, Strength of Arms. Between that and Faramir, this deck can afford to quest pretty all-out with it's allies, knowing it'll still have some for combat afterwards.

More details in the blog post: (has been updated since then)

“Yet the Lord of Gondor is not to be made the tool of other men's purposes, however worthy. And to him, there is no purpose higher in the world as it now stands than the good of Gondor; and the rule of Gondor, my lord, is mine and no other man's, unless the king should come again.”