Multiplayer Outlands (No Staples)

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Seastan 43993

Want a build a powerful deck but all your staple power cards are already being used? Try this one.

Wait, an Outlands deck without Hirluin the Fair? Yep, that's right. Elrond lets you play all the same allies, while being Noble helps make up for the lack of resources thanks to Captain's Wisdom. Elrond can also take Heir of Mardil so that the Errand-riders can pass him a resource each turn to get extra use out of his statline.

The mulligan isn't super important, but I like to see Captain's Wisdom in my opening hand so that I can get a quick surge of resources to make the most use out of Erestor's opening hand. I would also mulligan away a hand that was full of Outlands allies, because you won't be able to play them all right away.

The sideboard are the staple cards that are probably being used in another deck, but if they happen to be available, throw them in!


Jun 04, 2017 Taurelin 517

I'm not surprised to see an Outlands-deck without Hirluin. What really surprises me is to see an Erestor-deck without Will of the West, as you will eventually run out of cards.

I use the Erestor+Elrond Engine to support Outlands myself. In my version, I use Arwen Undómiel instead, who gives you access to Spirit and also supports Daddy with resources constantly. Check this:

Jun 04, 2017 Seastan 43993

@TaurelinAfter you run through this deck once, all your allies should be in play, so there is not much point in Will of the West.

Arwen is another way of doing it, but I definitely generate more resources with Gaining Strength/Wealth of Gondor/Captain's Wisdom than Arwen would. Also, it's very likely for Arwen to already be taken by someone else because of how well she fits in a wide variety of decks (and if not her hero version, then probably her ally version).

Jun 05, 2017 Beorn 13937

I've come to the same conclusion as @Seastan in regards to Erestor and Will of the West. If you draw through your entire deck you should be ready to defeat whatever quest you are playing. Reshuffling most often means that I am prolonging the quest simply to win more. This is especially true of Outlands that scale to such a ludicrous power level by the time you have a few of each ally in play. I've swapped out my copies of Will of the West for cards which have an immediate impact on the game.

Jun 05, 2017 Seastan 43993

Also, it's worth pointing out that the the main purpose that Will of the West would have in this deck, namely the ability to play Outlands allies that got discarded or killed, is well served by Men of the West.

Jun 06, 2017 jban 976

This deck reminds me of a deck I made for the Outland faction ( I chose for recycling A Very Good Tale with Will of the West instead of resource acceleration and Elrond. @Seastan, do you have any idea which of the 2 approaches is more effective?

Jun 06, 2017 Seastan 43993

@jbanI would recommend this one. I've tested it about 5 times now and every time it gets out all the Outlands allies in a single pass through the deck, no Will of the West required. So In that sense I would say this is more effective.

And of course, if you're playing multiplayer and nobody has picked Elrond yet, people will be happy to see him.

Jun 08, 2017 Sechen 130

Have you considered a single copy of Sword of Morthond, maybe at the expense of a Lembas or an Heir of Mardil? It costs 1 purple, which you have plenty of, and it could turn an Errand-Rider or an Envoy of Pelargir into something much more powerful. I think it's fair to assume nobody else would be running it in multiplayer!

Jun 08, 2017 Seastan 43993

@SechenThat's a neat idea, and I'm sure it would work. I just never even consider it as an option because the only time it's any good is when you've already have a ton of Outlands out. So while it will probably never turn a loss into a win, it may have a slight chance of doing the opposite.

Jun 08, 2017 Sechen 130

Fair enough. I feel like in this deck it would behave more like a 4th Hunter of Lamedon, but costing one fewer resource and requiring you have an errand-rider or an envoy on the table already. In other words, fairly mediocre. It would mostly be helpful if you're looking at a ton of direct damage or something and just need more HP on the table, but in that case your sideboarded Warden of Healing will be incomparably better.