I'd Mount That - Gift Horse

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
I'd Mount That
Derived from
Elrond's Quest 0 0 0 2.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Pirate Brahm 1062

The release of Steed of the North was inspiration enough for me to start playing with Tactics Aragorn again, so I've been trying to work him into two-handed fellowships. This fellowship uses a mono-Leadership deck to equip and buff the heroes while providing combat defense. The Tactics/Spirit deck does the bulk of the questing and killing.

The real fun I've had playing this deck is watching Tactics Aragorn gain in strength every time he gets an attachment. With any mount plus Celebrían's Stone and Sword that was Broken, he jumps to 6 , 3 , 4 (plus a -1 passive bonus!).

Questing Deck: Use those free Westfold Horse-breeders to find your mounts. Put Windfola onto Éowyn so she can quest for 6 each round, pitching Elven-light to make it 7 . Théoden, seated on Snowmane puts out another 3 and readies for combat. Aragorn gets a Steed of the North so he can also quest and be ready for combat. This deck will be doing most of the optional engagemet, as to get the most use out of Aragorn's ability.

Leadership deck: Your goal is to set up the Questing deck for success by fitting out Aragorn with attachments while setting up your own defense. Use Galadriel to play attachments while sorting your draw pile. Erkenbrand gets up to two Armored Destriers so he can sentinel defend both decks for 4 , canceling nasty shadows with his ability. Heal him up with Dúnedain Remedy. Use Sneak Attack and Reinforcements to take advantage of enters play abilities on Gandalf and Greenwood Archer, then recycle those events with Tome of Atanatar.