Hirgon with the Windlord

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Seastan 45870

Hirgon seems like a fun way to get back into the long forgotten Eagle archetype.

It would have been nice to have gone full mono-tactics, but I found Spirit Eowyn is a little more solo friendly here due to her access to key cards like A Test of Will, as well as card draw (Ancient Mathom). She also gets you threat reduction which can help offset the cost of Hirgon and Steward of Orthanc.

Early Game

I like to have an Eagles of the Misty Mountains in my opening hand to that I can start buffing them up, but I might still take a mulligan if I have no draw effects in hand (Mathom, Gandalf, Steward of Orthanc, Eagles are Coming).

Late Game

Support of the Eagles can quickly turn Mablung into a huge defender/attacker, so he's the target for the Unexpected Courage. Stacking a couple Supports on him and targeting your beefy EotMM is a good way to finish the quest's final boss.


Healing can be a bit of an issue for a Spirit/Tactics deck, so if the quest throws out a lot of archery, throw in the Honour Guards.

If the quest has nasty Shadow effects like Sleeping Sentry or similar, you can swap out Tides of Fate for the more universal Hasty Stroke.


Jul 03, 2017 thrilliod 7

this title though...so good!

Jul 11, 2017 Morgothsfoot 10

I usually use a least 2 Radagast when using Eagle heavy decks. Do you think he is not worth the cost?

Aug 24, 2017 Seastan 45870

@Morgothsfoot No, I don't think he's worth it.