Ent for multi

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Ent and Rohan fight side by side
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Free Races of Middle-earth: Ent 0 1 2 1.0
Ent for multiplayer 1 1 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
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Rouxxor 1830

Rouxxor has a newer deck inspired by this one: Free Races of Middle-earth: Ent

Rouxxor has a newer deck inspired by this one: Ent for multiplayer

I was never a big fan of ents (except for quickbeam). I like to play oppressive scenarios so having allies who comes into play exhausted was not a viable option. I want to give them a shot with the interaction with Faramir, who allow me to use them the turn they come into play.

As ent are in lore and tactic it doesn't fit perfectly with Faramir but at least it is pretty easy to know wich sphere to play. As I don't look after any special interaction in :tactic: , only resources generation Mablung, who work the same way that Faramir is ok. I first play the only ent hero, treebeard, but I quickly choose to switch to the ally one. As lore is the sphere I need the most (and I alway have a useless resource) Bifur was my last choice.

In this deck we are not the best in anything. We don't quest that much, and sometime not at all on turn one. We are less efficient in fight than a Dunedain, boromir ou hama deck. But we do a little bit of all those with some original cards. It is a deck less stronger that the majority of those I buildr but he still do a lot of things.

About ent speaking I give a try to all of them, because there are not so many, and because I want my Entmoot be the most powerful possible. Booming Ent and Derndingle Warrior was important to deal with enemy, but the two others one in tactic are really overcoasted. Treebeard is so important that I want 3 of them no matter if he is unique. He is the first turn I want. Wellinghall preserver work well in this deck and I want many of them. Quickbeam is cool but never die, and we draw a lot of ent so 2 seem enough to me. Wandering Ent ask a so important lore resource and is weaker that all his friend so I play only 2 Main deck and get one in sideboard to change depending of who play with me. Boomed and trumpeted is here only when I am the only fighter on the table, and because when this occur I have to many doomed cards.

Warden of healing are mostly played in the spirit of a multi deck with lore, when I need to help friends to heal. In this deck wellinghall is generally enough because we ready it two time a turn, and we want to keep a damage on each ent except the warrior. Envoy of pelargir is a MVP, a one cost ally who can quest, attack or sacrifice itself and help to use additional leadership resources.

I play then a full package of cool generic event. Daeron's rune because it is always great to have more choice to decide what you will play. We are not idle can either be played just to go further into the deck or add one resource instead of the 2 will of Bifur for this turn. The doomed package is here to give a enormous amount of bonus (so much draw mean I often play 3 doomed cards on the first turn). It is a little risk to play like this with threat but I never lost because of this (sometime a player do but the group succeed without him) but we need this to face those aggressive nightmare scenarios I spoke about. We also play feint. It even better than in other tactic deck because you don't need to keep an tactic resource to play it thanks to Mablung.

Steward of Gondor is usually given to the quest/cancel/low the threat deck because he never have too much resources. A lonely black arrow for sometime pretty easily shoot a big enemy for 0. Secret vigil is used to give threat reduction for everyone. As we regularly face enemy with 3, 4 or even 5 threat it is extremely useful. On the other hand some scenario doesn't have any interesting target so it is a gambit. We have gondorian shield to back-up ent for blocking at the beginning of the game.

We originally play Tireless Hunters because of his natural interaction with mablung and Faramir. It was useless if drawn after the turn one, and not always good even in those case. We are thinking about wait no longer for the same reason.