A Party of Dwarves...with the Arkenstone

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Derived from
A Party of Dwarves...with the Arkenstone 0 0 0 5.0
Inspiration for
A Party of Dwarves...with the Arkenstone 0 0 0 7.0
Card draw simulator
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prestovenger 45

prestovenger has a newer deck inspired by this one: A Party of Dwarves...with the Arkenstone


Oct 05, 2024 prestovenger 45

I wanted a good dwarf deck that used The Arkenstone. If I am correct, I pay the one colorless to put it in the staging area where it becomes guarded. After defeating the enemy or complete the location it is attached to, I can then attach The Arkenstone to a dwarf and each unique character (including Gandalf or Gandalf gains the +1 to quest. So far, I've tested this in the Mirkwood Saga (the first two and the Hunt for Gollum). I'd appreciate any comments/suggestions. Thanks

Oct 05, 2024 kjeld 676

Consider using The Riddle-game to start with The Arkenstone in play. If you go this route, then increase your number of 0-cost cards -- 3x Cram, 3x We Are Not Idle, 3x Hidden Cache. There are many other useful 0-costs to consider for this deck, as well: Captain's Wisdom (for Thorin), A Good Harvest, Gather Information, Double Back, Horns! Horns! Horns!, Man the Walls, Well-Equipped.

Other than that, you've got some mining mechanics (Ered Luin Miner, Hidden Cache) included here, but only King Under the Mountain to discard off the top of your deck that I see. You can lean more into mining with Zigil Miners and Erebor Guards. Also Balin is useful in that case.

3x Fili and 3x Kili is likely a waste -- reduce to 3x/1x would be better.

You should ditch Durin's Song and increase Sneak Attack to 3x.

Oct 05, 2024 doomguard 2170

and you can crown it with the Helm of Secrecy to make Dáin Ironfoot appear and quest/kill everything