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The Temple of Doom - 1 Player - 2024-09-25 |
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In Play
Discard Pile
kjeld 664
In an older deck, I was reading about the combo of Hidden Cache, Expert Treasure-hunter, and Wizard Pipe. And it seemed to me that this goes quite well with classic Vilya + Imladris Stargazer. What results is a lineup that I haven't seen before, but is quite powerful.
Opening Hand: Mulligan for Expert Treasure-hunter, but also good to see Vilya or Imladris Stargazer.
Early Game: Get your core combo set up (resources go on Elrond unless you need some to play A Test of Will or Unexpected Courage), and once you find Vilya start that engine going as well. You'll be able to play 2+ 5-cost allies a turn, easily. If needed, cheap eagles will help you survive early rounds -- don't worry about chumping with them even if you haven't got an Eagles of the Misty Mountains out. Put Expert Treasure-hunter first on Bilbo, as he'll always quest. The second usually goes on Radagast, unless you've got Light of Valinor on Elrond.
Mid-Late Game: Pour huge allies onto the board. Win.
Notes on various combos:
- Wild Stallion is for Jubayr
- If you go really late game, you can spend extra resources/vilya actions to cycle Giant Bears.
- With Gildor Inglorion in play, you can repeatedly treasure-hunt two Hidden Caches each turn.
- Radagast's Staff is not really needed for resources, but included mostly for readying a Giant Bear or pumped-up Eagles of the Misty Mountains.
- Between Radagast and Elrond, you can pay for all kinds of allies regardless of sphere.
- Messenger Raven of course works wonders with deck scrying (but not Hidden Cache!), so use these to draw up attachments, events, and small allies to play normally during planning phase.