Digging Up Chumps

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Seastan 45852

Prince Imrahil once again proves himself to be a fun and versatile hero.

This concept here is pretty simple. You quest with Éowyn and a few other allies. Then you engage an enemy, dig out a chump blocker with Imrahil's ability, and strike back for 8 with Imrahil and Beorn, killing all but the toughest monsters.

Now lets get into the specifics:

  • Mulligan for Elven-light or Legolas so that you will have access to consistent card draw.
  • Horn of Gondor goes on Eowyn. This helps her fuel the Elven-light engine and still play allies.
  • Not every enemy needs to be chump blocked, and some enemies have negative forced effects if they destroy a character. For these cases you can dig up a Defender of Rammas or Háma, or simply use Beorn as an alternate means of defense. And, of course, Feint.
  • There are a number shadow effects that punish chump-blocking. For that we have Hasty Stroke.
  • Although you can't play Squire of the Citadel from your hand, he's one of the greatest cards to see with Imrahil when you are looking for a chump.
  • I consider the Marksman of Lórien to be primarily an attacking ally, but in this case he can also be a nice chump to pull out with Imrahil, since you still get the benefit of the -2 defense after he gets killed.
  • This deck doesn't mind having higher threat than most, since it is well equipped to handle enemies. But of you find your threat getting out of control, put in some cards from the sideboard. Playing Island Amid Perils on a Legolas or Marksman you dug up with Imrahil is tremendously fun.

May 01, 2017 AKrafty 22

Imrahil is quickly becoming my favorite hero in the game simply because he turns a spare resource into a panic button, often saving a hero from dying to an unexpected attack. Anyway love the deck Seastan, can't wait to try it out!

May 02, 2017 theredeagle 89

Really enjoyed this, played it last night with my buddy, we pretty easily best Treachery of Rhudaur and Temple of the Deceived. Lots of attacking power, can surprisingly quest pretty well. Hadn't played Gondorian Spearman or Horn of Gondor for quite awhile...Curse of the Downfallen netted me 8 resources one turn! Have you considered including Stargazer? Ups the resource curve, but maybe could use it to make sure your events and Horn get into your hand.

May 03, 2017 Seastan 45852

@theredeagleStargazer is an interesting idea that I hadn't considered at all. I suppose if you are playing with someone else who can help with questing then you may have extra spirit resources available for them.

May 03, 2017 theredeagle 89

@SeastanI just had trouble consistently hitting the non-allies (Horn of Gondor, A Test of Will, Hasty Stroke, etc) or the permament/questing allies you want to stick around (Arwen Undómiel, Galadriel's Handmaiden). Probably need a few more run throughs to get a good sample size. But I had never used Prince Imrahil, makes you make decisions more often because you don't know exactly what you will get during combat phase. Thanks for an enjoyable deck/play style.

May 03, 2017 Seastan 45852

@theredeagleIf I thought the Horn of Gondor and A Test of Will were critical for the deck functioning well I may have built the deck a little differently. As it is, they are just nice cards to have so I included 3 copies and left it at that.

But I'm glad you like the deck, even if you end up modifying it! If you find the Imladris Stargazers to make a big difference I would be delighted to hear!