Surviving the Nightmare

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

The BGamerJoe 5080

This deck is designed to win against the nightmare version of the nightmarish Into Ithilien. I have about a 50% win ratio against it which is decent in my book!

Opening Look for Vassal of the Windlord in your opening hand and Honour Guard is the perfect second card to drop on turn 1 since he can protect your Vassal from the Blocking Wargs. Gondorian Shield and Raven-winged Helm are great early attachments for Beregond. Assuming you get a Vassal into play, you can Battle quest for 11 on turn 1 and clear the Road. Beregond should be ready to defend so you can engage an enemy on turn one and start turn two with a decently clear staging area and quest lighter and gain control of the enemey situation.

General Strategy There's an obvious lack of willpower here so I usually turtle for several turns in the first stage and eventually let Celador die so I can avoid the 3rd stage. Quest light on stage one (just make sure to quest with two characters so Lost Companion doesn't ruin your day), get your eagles into play, preferably get a Eagles of the Misty Mountains powered up with Vassals and get a couple Winged Guardians or Defender of Rammas allies out to sprint through stages 2 and 4. No one wants to let those elite Mumaks hang around too long! I try to linger on stage 1 until I have about 20 Siege questing potential, then race through stages 2 and 4 in one turn each if possible because you will threat out fast at this point!

The ents are slow, but they can take lots of archery and give you some easy battle questing if you have a couple Booming Ents in play.

The Ithilien Overlook is a killer and has to be cleared right away if possible. the Dense Thickets aren't bad in solo and you can really leav it alone as long as you don't draw a second too early.

Threat can be an issue, but with the stupid bats and the Watcher in the Woods removed from the encounter deck, its actually much more manageable in nightmare than in standard mode! Secret Vigil can really help out too, but the effect on the Southron Elite makes the Spider or the Haradrim Captain the best targets if you need to drop threat. Save you Feints for bad Spiders situations or for the Mumaks near the end.
