Noldor-Dwarf The Last Alliance

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Discard Pile

Zarathustra 26

The aim of the deck is to exploit Arwen Undómiel's ability and the mining of Dwarves as much as possible in order to be able to play fully with the discard pile.

In this perspective, thanks to The Last Alliance contract, cards like Wandering Spirit and Lords of the Eldar acquire a whole new value by being able to influencing even cards with the Dwarf trait.

The contract can also give an initial boost by reducing the cost of some Noldor allies, but the real target for the contract is Dáin Ironfoot Leadership version which will be played with Thorongil. For this mulligan for Thorongil may be a good option. A starting hand with Elven-light can be a good alternative, speeding up the draw by a lot.

The important thing is not to be afraid to discard cards by defending or attacking, because it is through these actions that you will be able to make your deck work at its best!


Jun 23, 2024 Marctimmins89 116

I recently built a similar Last Alliance Dwarf Noldor deck and can heartily recommend Lay of the Nauglamír with some Imladris Stargazers in there too. It gives you the Zigil Miner + Imladris Stargazer combo turn 2, and then you're off to the races. Awesome fun combo to play.

Jun 23, 2024 doomguard 2191

@Marctimmins89 its even possible in 1. round with Erestor Arwen Undómiel and Dáin Ironfoot and some Captain's Wisdom and/or Gaining Strength (after using Arwen Undómiels ability can be done with or without The Last Alliance if somebody is interested:

Jun 23, 2024 Marctimmins89 116

There's lots of ways to do it Round 1. I personally used Bifur as the third hero to pinch the last resource. I was meaning to do so without changing much from Zarathustra's decklist.

Jun 23, 2024 Zarathustra 26

@Marctimmins89 I have evaluated it and used it a few times in this deck (Lay of the Nauglamír). But its cost prevents me from putting it in 3 copies, at this point in fewer copies I am afraid of not having it in my hand at the right time or of discarding all copies via the ability of Dáin Ironfoot or Thorin Stonehelm. But yes, it's a good card and it can find a place in sideboard!

Jun 23, 2024 mija 1

@Zarathustra Are you sure you can target Spirit and Lords with The Last Alliance? It says "choose card in your hand or in play" and as cards in discard aren't in play I think you can't target them.

Jun 23, 2024 doomguard 2191

Lords of the Eldar should be work, because you play it, then it is in play and can be target for the contract. but only after playing cannot be targeted in the discard. Wandering Spirit shuld not work, because it is neither in hand, or in play.

Jun 23, 2024 mija 1

You can't use another action in the middle of resolving one, so in the next opportunity to use aliance, the lords are already at the bottom of your deck so you shouldn't be able to target them too.

Jun 23, 2024 Zarathustra 26

@mija @doomguard Wandering Spirit works by using the contract when the card is in hand, then changing the text of it to then discard it with Arwen's ability and in the same turn use the spirit in the discard pile. Lord of the Eldar would work the same way but at this point I'd better put Lay of the Nauglamír in its place!

Jun 24, 2024 mija 1

@Zarathustra Thanks, now I get it. Both have to be used the round you discard them. Then I think I'd replace Spirit with Tomb as resouces aren't problem with this build or with Will of the West for running out of deck.