The Ring of Fire Sails to Gondor - Elite

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The Ring of Fire Sails to Gondor - Elite 0 0 0 1.0
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Warden of Arnor 5817

Círdan the Shipwright helps the Gondor deck to draw faster and get its key stuff out, plus between Boromir, Visionary Leadership, Faramir and Narya, your allies get some pretty impressive statlines and multiple actions each round. Elwing's Flight can get you even more actions if you want.

Ideally you want Steward of Gondor on Cirdan, and with Narya he has a icon so he can pay for everything. He then also gets Blood of Númenor to be your strong defender with Light of Valinor and Unexpected Courage (so he can use Narya as well as defending. Once you find them you can also use some of those resources for more draw with Erestor+Elven-light.

Veteran of Osgiliath is a star in this deck. With Boromir, Visionary, Faramir and Narya once you're over 40 threat he can quest for 3, defend for 3 and attack for 5. Pretty great value for a 3-cost ally. You should be careful about dropping your threat for this reason. Wait until you hit 45 before dropping Gandalf.