QOTW — Noldor Jailbreak

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Card draw simulator
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In Play
Discard Pile

Sackmoney 5

This is the Noldor deck I've built which I took against the quest of the week, Escape From Dol Guldur. In theory, any of the heroes could be captured and it would be possible to win, but in practice, Círdan is the one you hope to see captured. This deck relies on having plentiful cards to discard, to trigger things like Arwen, Glorfindel, and Imladris Caregiver. Elven Jeweler can also be put into play through discarding cards, allowing you to get more than one ally out in a turn, and as a low-value ally, she is also excellent fodder for the Nazgul's forced effect. Stand and Fight allows for similar, though you can't use To the Sea, to the Sea! to discount these allies, so I didn't end up getting much use out of this.

I will note that this is built with my limited collection, and things like Light of Valinor would certainly improve it. I'm sure other improvements could be made as well, but it's already a strong deck. Enjoy!