Lothiriel is a Fair and Balanced Card

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tomdidiot 32

This is a Gondor Valour swarm deck that is fueled by Lothíriel. While Lothíriel doesn't actively build your board, she allows you to abuse the enters play effects of your Gondor cards that do, such as Soldier of Gondor, Envoy of Pelargir and Knight of Belfalas, as well as giving you a reliable way of readying her father, Prince Imrahil, allowing you to use his stats multiple times a round. You can also essentially shuffle Squire of the Citadel for a resource using Lothiriel if you don't need him right this second to chump block. It also turns out that Damrod isn't a bad card if he's free.

Your main gameplan and your key card is to find and play Pillars of the Kings before your threat hits 31. This allows you to turbo-charge the deck's start by letting you draw 4; it's like playing with Erestor except you get to keep your hand at the end of the turn, for the low, low cost of having to push your threat to 40. This then has the effect of turbo-charging your Gondor Valour tools, such as the Soldier of Gondor, Veteran of Osgiliath, Valiant Sword and Shining Shield. Hopefully, by drawing 11 cards by the end of Turn 1, you would have also drawn into Steward of Gondorto let you play all of them.

Boromir is set up to be your main defender - load him up with the Shining Shield, Dúnedain Warning and Hauberk of Mail. Imrahil is a little too frail with his 4 HP to reliably defend, so he tends to get the Valiant Sword.

To make this deck #RCO friendly, I'd do: -2 Shining Shield -1 Dúnedain Warning -1 Blood of Númenor -1 Damrod -3 Knight of Belfalas

and reaplce them with +1 Hauberk of Mail +2 Ancestral Armor +1 Livery of the Tower +1 Linhir Sea-captain +3 Valiant Sacrifice - though to be honest I should be trying to find room to run this anyway.

There is likely a way to make a version of this deck that runs Denethor, but I find the attack boost kind of useful, and Denethor can't take Hauberk of Mail.


Jun 14, 2024 Flrbb 170

You could add Ancestral Armor for Boromir - if the cost curve of the deck allows such expensive cards.

Jun 14, 2024 Flrbb 170

Sorry, just noticed, that you mentioned Ancestral Armor yourself.

Jun 14, 2024 doomguard 2066

would think about Armored Destrier and this version of Faramir (in addition to the regular one) is nice used by Lothíriel

Jun 14, 2024 tomdidiot 32

@Flrbb Ancestral Armour is good, but I find it's hard to play early which is when you most need it - might include one for longer games when it's less key.

@doomguard Destrier would have been a good shout, especially in this version of the deck without the AA.