Rohan Sidequest Sandbox (MD - Rohan Alternative)

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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Mormegil 6391

This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.

Preferred Player Count: 1-4

Rating: .5


A very strong deck that blends the theme of Rohan with Thurindir and his Side Quest package. In 2-Player, it is possibly even stronger than my designated Rohan deck for multiplayer. The deck plays a lot like my solo Rohan deck - profit from the 6 resources you generate each round to swarm out your allies as quickly as possible. It is probably somewhat less explosive due to not running Gríma, however it is even more consistent (due to the ability to fetch whatever you want with Gather Information) and more multiplayer-friendly due to not relying on Gríma's doomed.

How To Play

There is no specific card I target since Gather Information (your default pick with Thurindir that only changes under specific circumstances) lets you grab whatever you need. I want resource acceleration and especially card draw online as soon as possible, so I look for one of Steward of Gondor, Peace, and Thought or Gléowine. If I see Steward, I pick Peace or Gléowine with Gather, if I see drawing tools Steward is my go-to pull. Legacy of Númenor is nice to see early on but not a card I specifically target (except in quests that push you tempowise).


Gamling is good but just got pushed out by other spirit options, same thing applies to Quickbeam (who is a straight swap with Henamarth Riversong outside of solo). Treebeard and Golden Shield are great but just miss out on deckspace. A Very Good Tale is a card I do not see that much need for with all the resources you produce, but if you care about explosivity, I would include it. It is a great alternative to Legacy if you (or other players) are worried about threat.
