Ultimate Dunedain

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Ultimate Dunedain 26 21 2 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

The White Wizard 550

The White Wizard has a newer deck inspired by this one: Ultimate Dunedain

I have been really wanting to build a finely tuned solo Dunedain deck, and I think this is it. This is one of the most fun decks I have ever played and is extremely powerful. It uses the standard Dunedain shenanigans, but with a Doomed twist that allows it to get set up much more quickly. Add in Arwen, and you will be trapping enemies and blowing through the quest extremely fast. The opening hand should have Legacy of Numenor and Forest Snare. However, do not mulligan a hand that has card draw and Legacy or Legacy and questers. Sarn Ford Sentry can be extremely good late game. If you have been wanting to play a non Seastan created Dunedain deck, give this deck a spin.


Mar 28, 2017 The BGamerJoe 5242

I'll give it a shot. I've been unhappy with any Dunedain deck I've come up with so far.

Mar 28, 2017 The White Wizard 550

Good Luck! One thing I've been doing lately that you could try if you wanted is to replace the Ethir Swordsman with Wardens of Annuminas. Have fun!

Mar 28, 2017 The BGamerJoe 5242

Have you found those Wardens worthwhile? I have never seen them work... too expensive! I'd rather throw a Northern Tracker in.

Mar 28, 2017 The White Wizard 550

They can be extremely good. Because of how quickly you can get set up, they are usually free in a few turns thanks to Heir of Valandil and questing for 3-5. Location lock is never really much of an issue in solo anyway, so the Wardens always make it in over the Trackers for me.

Mar 29, 2017 The White Wizard 550

Shoot, I forgot to put Heir of Valandil in the deck or sideboard! I will publish an updated version. Sorry for the inconvenience.