The Return of Tactics Gimli

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Gandalf and Gimli into the mines 4 2 0 1.0
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Seastan 45852


The strategy here is pretty simple, but the execution is pretty complex, so I included a video.

It is a solo-viable deck, but is pretty welcoming to multiplayer with Shadowfax, Bifur, and the lack of Steward of Gondor.

Try to keep recycling Well-Equipped, using it in conjuntion with Gandalf and his Pipe to load up all the attachments on Gimli.

Use Galadhrim Weaver (played off the top with Gandalf) and The White Council to recycle Well-Equipped (or any other card you may need) back into the deck to be used again.

One important timing issue arises with this deck. When you play Well-Equipped, you discard the two cards first, then place Well-Equipped in the discard pile on top of the discarded cards. This is important as it allows the Galadhrim Weaver to recycle it.

This deck ramps up really quickly. With a Wizard Pipe, Well-Equipped, and Citadel Plate in hand you can get the plate onto Gimli turn 1, take an undefended attack, and kill that initial enemy to get yourself in a solid starting position. Heed the Dream and Galadhrim Minstrel can help pull these cards together, and I find it happens pretty frequently.

I did not see the amazing potential of Vigilant Guard until I played this deck. It has saved countless allies from the likes of Necromancer's Reach and similar treacheries.

I normally use Wizard Pipe to either set up a card for Well-Equipped or for a Spirit card to have Gandalf pay for, but don't forget about the Hidden Cache/Expert Treasure-hunter combo if you are tight for resources.


Mar 29, 2017 SecondhandTook 587

Would Vigilant Guard work between Gimli (as the card with the attachment) and Erkenbrand? I know other cards like Honour Guard, because they cancel the damage, pretty much nullify Erkenbrand's effect. Since Vigilant Guard is merely shifting the assignment of the damage does it still work?

Mar 29, 2017 Seastan 45852

@SecondhandTookI am inclined to say no, since Vigilant guard used the word "instead", meaning that no damage has been dealt to Erkenbrand so the cost has not been paid.

May 01, 2017 pokie 86

This may be an idea for another deck, but what about playing Well-Equipped with Sword-thain?

May 01, 2017 Seastan 45852

@pokieI've done such a thing before:

The key behind using Sword-thain effectively is that you need to use it for more than just an extra resource each turn. Otherwise Resourceful is better.

Jun 29, 2017 Taeveren 1

I looked at your video. Pretty cool :) As I play alone, I was very interested in trying it. I made a few changes and that still works. Just tried on one scenario for the moment, I'll tell you where my games lead me... Out: 2 Boots of Erebor 2 Shadofax 2 Master Ironsmith 3 Hidden Cache

In: 2 Steward of Gondor 1 Mighty Prowess 1 Arod 2 Erebor Hammersmith 2 Gildor Inglorion 2 Warden of Healing

So +1 and 51 cards which is not a big deal as you draw pretty quickly all your deck. Gildor works just fantastic in this deck and it's pretty easy to play with Steward of Gondor on Bifur (very useful as most of your "expensive" cards are green). As I said, it will certainly evolves with more play testing but comments are always welcome :)

Sep 08, 2019 Kristian 18

Hi Chris. Do you think Ring of Thror would fit in this deck? Obviously the mechanic would, but since it could take a while to get going maybe it's too slow?