Cheese We Must Away Ere Break of Day

Questlogs using this decklist
Win - We Must Away, Ere Break of Day - 1 Player - 2024-04-03
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

kattattack22 866

Deck designed to easily win We Must Away Ere Break of Day by leveraging Guarded X to run out the encounter deck on Stage 2.

Basically stall on Stage 1, build up questing power, and hopefully add at least 1 A Suspicious Crow to the victory display with Scout Ahead or Out of the Wild. Then on Stage 2, play Sting and Durin's Axe. This should discard all or nearly all the encounter deck to find the remaining 1 or 2 crows. Quest for the win if both crows are still in the encounter deck.

Feint, Grimbold, and Gaffer Gamgee are the defense for the Trolls should you need to engage them after advancing to Stage 2.

The deck could be optimized further. The Hobbits generally don't have much to do in stage 1. Peace, and Thought could give the deck more card draw to find the key pieces. More side quests can be added to stall more reliably. Henamarth Riversong is also very good to scry and make sure to not over quest. More copies would help make the plan more consistent. I'm publishing this list because I have succeeded with it even if some cards were a bit dead for me when I played it. Boromir, Treebeard, Firyal were all a bit too expensive and slow. Gléowine did a lot of nice card draw and could be bumped up in copies as well. There is one treachery that damages allies so Warden of Healing and Honour Guard are good sideboard cards as well.