The Wrath of Bard

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Seastan 45864

Tired of not killing stuff? Try this deck. You will kill stuff.

Meant to be played in multiplayer. On that crucial turn, where you are swarmed with enemies and it looks like all is lost, bust out Bard with 2x Blade of Gondolin and Hour of Wrath. You will wipe out the whole field and at the same time complete the active location and active quest. People will be talking about it for days. Ok, maybe just you.


Apr 03, 2016 jodudeit 25

Hour of Wrath is pretty expensive. I know it isn't as big a deal in a mono-tactics deck, but do you think a Good Meal would be useful? Merry is a hobbit after all!

Apr 03, 2016 Seastan 45864

@jodudeitYes! Good Meal would be a great card. I built this quickly and overlooked it.

Apr 09, 2016 kwitee 49

I don't know... Good Meal just for one card? Are you sure this is worth it?

Jun 26, 2017 Wandalf the Gizzard 2562

@kwiteeMaybe steward of Orthanc to dig for it. Though that doomed might undo Bard.