The Original Bond of Friendship (MD - Hobbits Solo)

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Mormegil 6399

This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.

Preferred Player Count: 1, (2-4)



This my preferred Hobbit deck for solo and I am incredibly fond of it. Were it not for the overlap of Frodo Baggins and The One Ring, it would also not be overly far away from being a One Deck I suspect (with some changes to adjust to the challenge necessary of course). Your start is excellent (as always in a Bond of Friendship deck), but your very stat-efficient heroes and Power of Command further help you to have a very comfortable beginning. Add to that your low starting engagement threshhold and Frodo's ability to absorb attacks early on and you are well equipped to tackle most quests with ease.

How To Play

There is no specific card to look for in your opening hand. I like to have a hand that doesn't look like it will run out of cards anytime soon, which can happen even despite Pippin. Cards like Peace, and Thought, Hobbit Pipe or Steward of Orthanc can help you with that, as can Gandalf of course (being as always a great card in BoF). In quests that deal direct damage, I do like to see Warden of Healing, Bill the Pony or A Test of Will since your heroes are rather flimsy. Gather Information is a great card in whatever case and I rarely mulligan it away.


Quickbeam is always a good swap for Warden of Healing if direct damage is no a big issue, Inner Strength and We Are Not Idle are really good includes for Power of Command and Staff of Lebethron if you play a quest that either starts in Battle-/Siege-mode or if enemy pressure is much higher than willpower pressure in a normal quest.
