Lothíriel Fast & Furious (#RCO)

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Erestor Fast & Furious (#RCO) 37 28 8 1.0
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Card draw simulator
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Gonfindel 1960

(EXPLANATION in english below)

Mazo hecho sólo con cartas reeditadas (RCO).

Combinamos las mecánicas de Lothíriel y Erestor, ambas producen una sinergia fantástica y muy divertida. Lothíriel desgasta las cartas en mano mientras que Erestor la repone. Además, tienen la aportación de Arwen, que potencia aún más el funcionamiento del mazo.


  • Lothíriel nos permite jugar aliados Gondor y Nobles para ir a misión sin coste de recursos, como Enviada de Pelargir, Glorfindel, Mablung o Príncipe Imrahil. También a Galadriel y Faramir, aunque con la habilidad de Lothíriel sólo aportan su Voluntad y no sus habilidades, de momento... ;-)

  • Erestor nos permite robar 4 cartas cada turno que intentaremos jugar antes de descartarlas al final de la ronda; nos ayudará el bajo coste de las cartas y la habilidad de Lothíriel.

  • Arwen Undómiel nos proporcionará un recurso o extra cada turno que sea necesario. Ayuda mucho a la mecánica de Erestor para intentar jugar todas las cartas robadas.


  • Elf-stone aquí funciona genial porque este mazo va muy bien a misión y explorando lugares. Además nos permitirá poner en juego desde la mano a Galadriel y Faramir para que permanezcan en la mesa y poder aprovechar sus habilidades.

  • Unexpected Courage siempre en Erestor para que pueda ir a misión y ayudar en combate.


  • Galadriel y Faramir: lo dicho, aportarán su voluntad con Lothíriel y sus habilidades cuando les pongamos en juego con Piedra de Elfo.

  • Guardian of Rivendell es un poderoso aliado que nos ayudará sobre todo en Defensa .

  • Wild Stallion es ideal para acoplarlo al Guardian de Rivendell y potenciarlo.

  • Elven Jeweler podremos ponerla en juego sin usar recursos si fuera necesario.

VOLUNTAD 38 : es la principal virtud del mazo, va muy bien a misión y a la exploración de lugares con cartas como The Evening Star, Steed of Imladris, Protector of Lórien y Northern Tracker. Podremos ir avanzando en las misiones y dar tiempo a que acumulemos algunos personajes en la mesa.

ATAQUE 33 : hay 12 cartas de personaje con 2 - 3 de ataque, aunque la verdadera fuerza es la gran cantidad de aliados que hay. Además son fáciles de poner en juego por su bajo coste, por el recurso extra que Arwen puede dar cada turno y por el enorme robo de cartas.

DEFENSA 30 : contra grandes enemigos podremos sacrificar un aliado pequeño de los muchos que hay. Contra otros adversarios no tan potentes tendremos la opción de Guardian of Rivendell, incluso potenciado por Wild Stallion.

Erestor podrá apoyar en los combates ya que Arwen, Lothíriel + "el aliado que se juegue con su habilidad", irán a misión casi siempre. Además de que Erestor tendrá casi siempre un Coraje Inesperado.

MUY IMPORTANTE: salvo en los primeros turnos, siempre que podamos jugaremos Will of the West para reponer el mazo. Dwarven Tomb está principalmente para recuperar alguna "Voluntad del Oeste" que hayamos descartado.

MODO BATALLA . Para misiones con modo "Batalla", podemos mejorar el mazo con unos cambios. QUITAMOS 2 Galadriel, 1 Faramir y 1 Mablung. -->> METEMOS 2 Anborn y 2 Boromir.

Mazo para robar cartas y aprovecharlas todas cada turno antes del descarte. El mazo funciona muy bien cuando se dominan las sinergias.


-------- ENGLISH ------->>>

Revised Content Only (RCO).

We combine the mechanics of Lothíriel and Erestor, both produce a fantastic and very fun synergy. Lothíriel leaves us without cards in hand while Erestor replenishes it. They also have the contribution of Arwen, which further enhances the functioning of the deck.


  • Lothíriel allows us to play Gondor and Noble allies to go to quest without resource costs, such as Envoy of Pelargir, Glorfindel, Mablung or Prince Imrahil. Also to Galadriel and Faramir, although with Lothíriel's ability they only contribute with their Willpower and not their abilities, for now... ;-)

  • Erestor allows us to draw 4 cards each turn that we will try to play before discarding them at the end of the round; the low cost of the cards will help us cards, and Lothíriel's ability.

  • Arwen Undómiel will provide us with a resource or extra every turn as necessary. It helps Erestor's mechanic a lot to try to play all the drawn cards.


  • Elf-stone works great here because this deck goes very well to quest and exploring locations. It will also allow us to put Galadriel and Faramir into play from hand so that they remain on the table and can take advantage of their abilities.

  • Unexpected Courage always in Erestor so he can go to quest and help in combat.


  • Galadriel and Faramir: as I said, they will contribute their Willpower with Lothíriel and their abilities when we put them in game with Elf-Stone.

  • Guardian of Rivendell is a powerful ally that will help us especially in Defense .

  • Wild Stallion is ideal for attaching to the Guardian of Rivendell and boosting it.

  • Elven Jeweler we can put it into play without using resources if necessary.

WILLPOWER 38 : it is the main virtue of the deck, it goes very well to quest and the exploration of locations with cards like The Evening Star, Steed of Imladris, Protector of Lórien and Northern Tracker. We will be able to advance in the missions and give ourselves time to accumulate some characters on the table.

ATTACK 33 : there are 12 characters cards with 2 - 3 attack, although the true strength is the large number of allies there are. They are also easy to put into play due to their low cost, the extra resource that Arwen can give each turn and the enormous card draw.

DEFENSE 30 : against big enemies we can sacrifice a small ally of the many that there are. Against other not so powerful adversaries we will have the option of Guardian of Rivendell, even enhanced by Wild Stallion.

Erestor will be able to support in combat since Arwen, Lothíriel + "the ally that is played with his ability", will almost always go to quest. In addition, Erestor will almost always have Unexpected Courage.

VERY IMPORTANT: except in the first turns, whenever we can we will play Will of the West to recover cards. Dwarven Tomb is mainly to recover some "Will of the West" that we have discarded.

BATTLE MODE . For quests with "Battle" mode, we can improve the deck with a few changes. WE REMOVE 2 Galadriel, 1 Faramir and 1 Mablung. -->> WE ADD 2 Anborn and 2 Boromir.

Deck to draw cards and use them all each turn before discarding. The deck works very well when synergies are mastered.



Mar 20, 2024 harrken 126

Wow this is such a great idea. Usually my issue with lothiriel is card draw so…duh use erestoe

Mar 20, 2024 Gonfindel 1960

Hello @harrken Yes, with Erestor we will always have cards. Then, deck is designed to try to play all the cards each turn. I hope you like it if you try it. Thanks for your comment! :-)

Mar 20, 2024 Gonfindel 1960

Hello @harrken Yes, with Erestor we will always have cards. Then, the deck is designed to try to play all the cards each turn. I hope you like it if you try it. Thanks for your comment! :-)

Mar 22, 2024 albertronic 1

Deseando probarlo! Gracias por la explicación, siempre viene muy bien para esas primeras partidas donde aún no ves bien las distintas sinergias.

Mar 22, 2024 Gonfindel 1960

@albertronic, te agradezco el comentario.

Mar 22, 2024 Gonfindel 1960

albertronic, te agradezco el comentario. :-)

En todos mis mazos pongo una explicación porque es importante conocer las mecánicas y sinergias. Jugar con un mazo que no conoces puede llevarte a la frustración.

Agradezco a gente que como tú se lee los comentarios porque los escribo con mucho cariño.

Gracias y saludos. :-)

Apr 12, 2024 mathplanet 310

Nice very cool deck :) By the way, According to the rule reference, 'put into play' must be distinguished from normal play, so I understand that Galadriel's 'play from your hand' effect does not activate. I've heard from other users in the past that it doesn't work. I also want to know exactly, what do you think?

Apr 12, 2024 Gonfindel 1960

Hello @mathplanet :-)

When you "play" Galadriel with Lothíriel's ability, you only take advantage of her +3 willpower. This happens constantly because Galadriel returns to the deck as you know.

To play Galadriel "from hand" and use her ability, you must activate Elf-stone.

Greetings and thanks for asking! :-)

Apr 12, 2024 mathplanet 310

@Gonfindel Thanky you answer. I wonder Elf-stone has 'put into play', So, Gala's ability isn't working?. I found other reference, so 'put into play' (including hand) isn't same 'play'.

Apr 12, 2024 Gonfindel 1960

@mathplanet , with Lothíriel's ability, you put allies into play (not from your hand).

With Elf-stone you "put into play from hand" any ally, so you can put Galadriel into play and activate her ability. ;-)

Apr 12, 2024 mathplanet 310

@Gonfindel There was a distinction between 'play or put into play' in Vilya that I paid close attention to. Thank you so much for your reply. :)