Solve Their Combat

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Solve Their Combat 2 1 0 1.0
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Qwaz 410

The deck intended for multiplayer only. It cant quest at all and having other players engage is the key idea.

Keep your opening hand if it contains either Master of the Forge or Song of Battle. Master of the Forge is what really makes the deck work but you need Song of Battle asap or Haldir won't be paying for much!

The deck plays very simply...You want to get attachments on your heroes, have other players engage and then solve their combat! Everything you have is either Sentinal or Ranged, you have numerous events to save on defenses or get extra ones out of Beregond


The deck is more focused around super-heroes so the allies are just here to quietly suppliment them while they power up. Derndingle Warrior & Gondorian Spearman for some extra Sentinal defenses. Galadhon Archer & Vassal of the Windlord for some extra Ranged attack

Master of the Forge is possibly the most hard-working card in the deck (and in my earliest build was stupidly Bofur). With so many attachments, he almost never fails to grab something. If you are unlucky enough to have to play a whole game without seeing him, you notice the tempo drop massively.


All here to make the most of your heroes. When kitted out the heroes should look something like....

Beregond: A Gondorian Shield, a Spear of the Citadel, a Raven-winged Helm & any number of Lembas. 6 Sentinal , 1 Damage to the attacker and able to cancel 1 incoming damage per round. The Lembas allows for the extra defenses and can heal him too if any damage did get through.

Haldir of Lórien: A Bow of the Galadhrim, a Rivendell Bow, either another Bow of the Galadhrim or a Rivendell Blade & Song of Battle. I prefer the extra bow if I can as this gets him up to 7 into the staging area or 8 against an enemy engaged with another player.

Legolas: A Bow of the Galadhrim, a Rivendell Bow & either another Bow of the Galadhrim or a Rivendell Blade. If I can Legolas gets a blade and winds up with 6 if the enemy is engaged with another player but ignoring 2 .

You want to power up Haldir before Legolas to try and save on defenses as soon as possible.

A Galadhon Archer or Gondorian Spearman can take some of the spare attachments if there's no suitable hero elsewhere on the table.


like Lembas, Behind Strong Walls lets you get some extra defenses out of Beregond while Feint and Hands Upon the Bow should suppliment Haldir's ability to help you avoid having to. The last two events are...

Card Draw

Daeron's Runes & Foe-hammer add a little extra draw to the Master of the Forge. There are 11 weapons in this deck and while 2 of them are meant for defending, triggering Foe-hammer should be easy.

Resurce Generation

There is none. However, this deck is cheap! Nothing you draw costs more than 2 and the majority costs 1.

Side Board

Armored Destrier is obviously great on Beregond so it's in the sideboard so you can ask a player (who may not have brought it) to include in their deck. If you do this remember it's restricted so you should probably sideboard 2xSpear of the Citadel for something else.

Healing? - If worried you can sideboard in Warden of Healing or Gondorian Discipline, if it's archery the Silvan Tracker's make Legolas and Haldir of Lórien great soaks.

Large Immune Bosses? - Black Arrow is unrestricted and while it can be tough to find will work just fine against these bosses.

Threat Ramping? - Secret Vigil. Can work well anyway to prevent unwanted engagements

Rúmil? - Great fun to be had but generally overkill for the cost.

Marksman of Lórien - Can trade out for the Vassal of the Windlord. More expensive but more consistent.

Consider swapping in Deep Knowledge in a quest that doesn't hit you in the threat (or if you're paired up with a threat reduction deck). Your allies almost never say no to two threat for two cards.