The Fellowship of the Ring - The Fighters

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
The Fellowship of the Ring
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
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Roka 1687

This deck is part of a very thematic fellowship, "The Fellowship of the ring", which includes all members of the fellowship from the books. Because i wanted for thematic decks also a thematic Quest, I construct this fellowship for the Quest "The Ring goes south", so Frodo exist only as a Saga-hero.

This deck will handle most of the combat, Boromir blocking most of the attacks with his Gondorian Shield, Support of the Eagles, Song of Wisdom and a A Burning Brand (Aragorn keeps you threat under control) while Gimli can quest with help from Legolas and attack with Citadel Plates and Khazâd! Khazâd! for a lot of damage.

Because the Fellowship was alone in the Misty Mountains, it was hard to find thematic allies. Unlike in the books, here is help for the fellowship with some allies from Rivendell and the Eagles.