Questlogs using this decklist | |
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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Card draw simulator |
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In Play
Discard Pile
Rouxxor 1886
I had built for years decks to be played one with another to play and beat the most difficult scenario of the games (nightmare and all) and to represent as many good archetype for multiplayer as possible.
I now present you my version up-to-date for Alep (A Long Extended Journey) cards and adjustments. I'm sorry that very few comments in english are here, I'm french native and quite active in french community and I take more time to make french presentation. You can find my project in french here:
Erestor Outlands:
Hama Three Hunters:
Mono Lore:
Last Alliance Rohan/Gondor:
Hobbit bound of friendship:
Deux Hunter and Boromir:
Ent engagement:
To the west Noldor:
Vilya Council of the wise:
Perilous Voyage:
Side Quest Dunedan:
Hirluin Grey wanderer:
Harad Fellowship:
Ranger/Trap Last Alliance Gondor/dunedan:
Gloin At the end of all things:
Thanks to the many people who help me through those years, especially Mornegil (because he is here too) which discussed with me many decklists until we often agree about 47 cards optimized for an archetype.
Feb 24, 2024 |
Feb 25, 2024Thanks! You are right, that is just because of that small / at the end. The correct link is: . A big thanks tor mormegil also for the idea of the concept of a deck to list them all. |
Feb 26, 2024@ hama-deck, i would include more weapons in this case 3 Dagger of Westernesse attachable to everyone. because of the discount of the contract, i think the boost from Legacy of Númenor is not really needed here. more weapons seem more effective for me would then add more Onward Into Battle at least by 1 (for the now if discarding Legacy of Númenornot usefull The Seeing-stone ) would perhaps replace the We Are Not Idle by Open the Armory a nearly secure weapon/armor seems more beneficial to me, than the so called reduced deck by 1. give my thoughts to some other decks soon, hope you appriciate it. or if not plz tell. |
Feb 26, 2024to the At the End of All Things deck. are you sure, that the contract gives "printed" spheres? if not, the Advance Warning is not playable |
Feb 26, 2024
Actually Onward into battle is probably one of the weakest cards in the deck now I think. I need a bit more playtest because it is the most recent inclusion but as strong as onward is for three hunters deck, here we have a quite different way of building this deck. On we are not idle I do think you are making a logical mistake. Without any way of fetching the deck for a specific cards among X (like open the armory, or vilya or a very good tales), or a mechanic that make you getting to the bottom of your deck so fast and with so many cards losses in the way that you may have the use of having more effective cards (there is no such deck in my mind in the game, even with erestor) we are not idle doesn't have any flaw. It is not coincidence if probably like 97% of the decks in ringsdb play 50 cards and not 53 or 68. Playing less cards make you draw the best cards more often. And if there is some corner case where having we are not idle is not identical as playing 47 cards they are so rare that is almost not worth to consider them. So I don't want to play open the armory because of the way the deck is centred on the event, not on the attachment even if that mean not building it as a classic three hunters deck. But I won't definitely not cut we are not idle for a very different reason that is not linked to the purpose of the deck (who can be differently optimized for a different situation probably) but to a more essential deckbuilding matter. I really do appreciate some critics on my deck! I will probably not change my decks for some of them, because they are things I already think of, playtest or discuss with people but for each time something really helpful come it worth the pain, and I can't know in advance if it will be from a discussion from something I thought I have already solve a long time ago or not ;). Good call from advance warning! It is not in my decklist anymore, it was a mistake from my initial list and I forget to change it or put the wrong decklist in the description. I will look at it this instant! |
Feb 26, 2024@hama it is understandable if you do not want to flipp fast. but i think, flipping fast (or have the option to) is in 95% better than not. if you can flipp it does not mean you have to. if you have nice attachments you want the discount, you can wait, but having an option sounds in most cases better to me, than not having the option. @ elrond-vilya the herosetup is in fact my favourite for gandalfvilya. i would make minor adjustments:
or if i would not want to defend with gandalf, then there are not so much Unexpected Courage needed and ther can made room for better allies with Hauberk of Mail, but i think the best way is to boost gandalf @gwahir, would add 1 pipe. its so good with Gwaihir's Debt then i would add Gandalf but i think you leave him intentionally because it should be able to play together with a gandalf-hero-deck. within a Gwaihir -deck for me Flight of the Eaglesis autoinclude. not only for the good allies shuffled into the encounterdeck, the (main)purpose for me is the readying for Gwaihir whenever you want for 1 res/saved (Vassal of the Windlord or Wilyador) |
Feb 26, 2024@ entdeck. i like it overall. the idea to combine Faramir with Aragorn is genius. i think, Mablung would be a nice addition to trigger Faramir a 3rd time the round you play Mablung. he is perhaps even worth including Sneak Attack for multiple use. Wait no Longer would give another option for faramir, did u consider that? |
Feb 26, 2024For Hama sure flipping is better than not flipping. But it come as a cost. If you want to flip on turn one you need to play, for a quite realistic example, 6 attachement with a 1-cost. So all your resources and 6 over 7 cards are dedicated to that. And you should play like 42 attachements to do that. Of course in the real life some cards drawing may be involved (friend that play deep knowledge, foe hammer) and you can have the same exemple with flipping on turn 2 at a 0 cost. But what work for turn 3 work also for latter. If you wait until turn 3 you can have a bunch more of cost reduction, and more chance to draw your cards. And that is what I do: I don't care about having the restricted in my beginning hand for flipping the contract. I want to play on turn one the good restricted needed for my deck, and then draw cards as part of my deck mechanic and eventually flip the contract when founding more of those restricted. I will not play dagger of westernesse who is a bad card for this deck in the intent of flipping quicker the contract. What good will it make me? It is not even sure I will go into questing, I just trade resource reduction for healing. It is great at some point but I can afford to wait a bit for that. And in the meantime I can easily pay my events and actually do the job for my deck mechanic through events that make fight looks very easy. @Vilya : Vilya is supposed to be a quest deck, so paired with fight deck. That is another thing with my project: decks are thinked altogether and I did not plan to try to handle all myself, but rather trying to be good at what I'm asked to ge good. Or at least I won't play some dunedain warning when I don't even have a leadership sphere (so pipe is needed). He is a strong deck that deploy good answer at some points for the fight but it first focus on questing, not helping other people to fight. Unexpected courage is very good on elrond, and a first one on gandalf too. It can be quite good on other heroes sometimes, that is really the best deck to play them. But playing rhovanion outrider or northern tracker is something I really consider. My plays patterns are often influenced more by 2 players mode, where they are not much needed. For a 4 player nothern tracker would be essential. They sould be at least in sideboard. For eagle I don't play gandalf because it only work on gwaihir's debt and that is even more random than sneak attack/gandalf (who is already too slow for almost all nowadays good decks). I do agree that flight of the eagles is quite interesting, but there is just not worst card in the decks. It just don't do the cut. I have various way of drawing the right cards, doing some tricks so gwaihir reading is quite safe (I would probably play a 2nd crown if it would be a concern). For ent mablung was there, as a hero or an ally, and so was wait no longer. But not the deck is reduced to his essential tools and usually can't spare the expanse of those cards, and prefer to expand his board. Especially since cutting man the walls would be my first option if I wanted to follow your instruction and that would make the issue worst. |
Feb 27, 2024@vilya, i wonder why then the tactic-allies at all, and not take more better questallies. @eagle i think with the high startingthread, gandalf is in mid-lategame very usefull not only with sneack or Gwaihir's Debt also as threadreduction paid normally. i know you want to go fast (thats why you allways use Legacy of Númenor but there are many szearios out, where are delays within the quest you cannot overgo, and so need your time. |
Nice list! I think the link for Woodman is broken.