Rohirrim's Fate (#RCO)

Questlogs using this decklist
Passage Through Mirkwood - 1 Player - 2024-02-18
Journey Along the Anduin - 1 Player - 2024-02-18
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Rohan - Return of the King 0 0 0 1.0
solo - Rohan's deck [RCO] 0 0 0 1.0
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Isidore 634

Revised Content Only

"Arise, arise, riders of Théoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered! A sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride for ruin and the world’s ending! Death! Death! Death! Forth Èorlingas!"

Théoden in The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King

A & Rohan Deck, King Théoden musters the Rohirrim to face their Fate on the battlefield.

Mechanics :

This thematic deck can be improved by including cards outside of the Rohan archetype, feel free to share any ideas of improvements respecting the theme or not!


Feb 19, 2024 Urthli 347

Let me start of by saying that I am a fan of the Rohan archetype and love a good ally swarm deck. It is simple but effective.

Considering you're only using the the revised cardpool I think this deserves a 10/10.

Perhaps Tides of Fate can be a bit situational. Many of the nasty shadow effects don't increase attack. Hasty Stroke is probably a safer alternative. This really depends on the scenario.

Another interesting card to consider is Helm! Helm!. Though it is 2 cost, it pairs nicely with Lothíriel, Éomund and Gamling. When Gamling is in play, you can put Éomund in play via Lothíriel and discard him with Helm! Helm! to get rid of a nasty enemy like a hill troll. This discard will trigger a bunch of simultaneous "After ..." responses where you are free to choose the order in which you resolve them. You can exhaust Gamling to add Éomund from your discard pile, back to your hand before resolving Éomund's own response to ready all Rohan characters. But I would understand not playing it because it is also situational and comes at a pretty steep cost.

When the Return of the King Saga Expansion is released later this year, you could probably upgrade it further with a couple of Golden Shields to crank up Théoden's to 4. One copy of Elfhelm in exchange for Háma could also be a nice future addition.

In my opinio, this build is an excellent starting point for any new players wanting to play a Thematic Rohan deck.

On that note, I hope you don't mind if I also drop a couple remarks regarding some of the specific timings of a Rohan deck. To some players these will be obvious, but for other's it won't hurt to point them out.

  1. After putting the Escort from Edoras or Westfold Lancer in play via Lothíriel's response, their own discard responses trigger before Lothíriel shuffles them back at the end of the quest phase.
    • Westfold Lancer triggers after questing successfully. This is after you determine the amount of progress but before place the progress on the active location or quest.
    • Escort from Edoras triggers after resolving a quest. This is after placing those progress tokens but before the end of the phase.
  2. West Road Traveller cannot use her response when put into play with Lothíriel, only when played from hand.

Feb 19, 2024 Urthli 347

Hold on. My bad Helm! Helm! is combat action only. I was thinking of Ride to Ruin or Worthy of Remembrance but those are not part of the revised content. Helm! Helm! could still be a addition but it will really depend on the scenario for it to be worth it.

Feb 19, 2024 Isidore 634

Wow ! Thanks a lot @Urthli for your well thought suggestions and explanations !

I agree about the situational of Tides of Fate and I think i should add Hasty Stroke on sideboard and switch them when needed depending on the scenario.

As far as Helm! Helm! goes, 2 things bothered me:

  • you have to play it after the enemy attacks
  • And you need to have an ally ready to exhaust at that time and discard it

So far i thought of 2 combos that could fit in this deck:

  • If played with Éomund in mind we have a 4 resources combo (If Eomund was played the same turn + you'd have to repay 2 if you play him again) that can ready all my troops and destroy an enemy

  • Or I could sacrifice a Westfold Horse-breeder for a potential 2 resources combo that destroys an enemy (after searching a mount)

Costly and situational but I'll have to test it out now !

Thanks again for your comments and now I can't wait for the Return of the King Saga Expansion to release !

P.S. Thanks also for the clarified timing on these mechanics, always useful !

Feb 19, 2024 Urthli 347

Yes in hindsight, Helm! Helm! requiring an exhaust and discard on top of a 2 cost and only bring useable after resolving the enemy attacks makes it difficult to play.

Jul 05, 2024 Wittebaard 91

Do you think this deck could manage as a true solo deck for a campaign? Want to start playing my Alep campaign with a thematic deck and this one seems fun!

Jul 06, 2024 Isidore 634

@Wittebaard I don't know this campaign well enough to help you here, I played it solo mainly on single scenarios and was quite fun ! Please tell me how it goes if you try it !