An Aes Sedai and Her Warder

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spinnerrogers 55

This is another riff on the popular idea of using Herugrim and Nenya to boost Éomer. Thematically, this combo reminds me of the bond between Aes Sedai and Warder in The Wheel of Time. The contract allows us to lean into this idea, by focusing on these two characters.

At the End of All Things increases Éomer's and , increasing the viability of questing and attacking from turn one. With low enough threat (controlled by Elrond's Counsel and Galadriel), depending on the quest we can stay beneath the threat threshold and pick off enemies. Late Adventurer can also be used to attack low threat enemies, or help with the quest by reducing threat. It clashes slightly with Strider, since we "lose" a free activation, but Strider is well worth it to quest while keeping Éomer available just in case an enemy engages, and increase Éomer's willpower. With Nenya we can give even more willpower to Éomer, allowing him to destroy some of the toughest enemies in one smite.

Galadhrim Weaver and Silvan Refugee are cheap questers, but also great defensive tools in combination with Feigned Voices. You can't always control engagements, but at times you can use Fresh Tracks to hold off enemies. With Dwarven Tomb we can cycle key events back into our hand for safety, or we can happily shuffle them back in with Weaver to be tutored with Mirror of Galadriel.

The lack of heroes means we are lacking in resources much of the time, so in general we run a low cost curve. However, flipping the contract allows a huge burst and ability to tutor just the right cards to set up -- very interesting and fun.

Getting Unexpected Courage, Silver Lamp and Ioreth can really lock in a game, giving you many options to survive if enemies or damage somehow do get past your smites and bouncing Silvans. Gúthwinë is also a nice backup sword for when you have to attack multiple times in a round.

You may notice that all the allies are women. These may be thought of as other Aes Sedai, aiding in your journey. Perhaps novices, with some talent for the "Weave." Ioreth may be thought of as representing how Aes Sedai (i.e. Galadriel) require other Aes Sedai to heal them.

Update (2024/02/14): Approved suggestion from doomguard and NERD: swap Valiant Sacrifice with Galadriel's Handmaiden. In multiplayer, I have found that Song of Eärendil, Double Back, and Dúnedain Cache are good options; the Refugees are less reliable in multiplayer, so they are replaceable. Elrond's Counsel, in combination with Herugrim, can help you one-shot bosses: use Dwarven Tomb to get multiple copies in hand. Without sideboarding, I was able to defeat the Witch King in the Knife in the Dark scenario during the combat phase (using Éomer alone).


Feb 02, 2024 doomguard 2191

nice idea. would add 3 Galadriel's Handmaiden they add to questing and keep thread low.

would consider Gandalf + Sneak Attack perhaps booring, but still very usefull, and a regular played Gandalf with use of Galadriel ability not exhausting to quest 1. round is still good combo.

i wonder if it is really better, than a Forth, The Three Hunters! - deck with an additional low-thread-hero (like Merry, Merry or Éowyn , Pippin or for much more carddraw and with more cards more threadreducing Beravor ) with 3 hunters Éomer and Galadriel get +3 wp each at flipping and the actual sate of the deck they get as much wp-boost as the all the allies. the At the End of All Things-version might have better boost in the first round, but overall, i think Forth, The Three Hunters! is better but with Galadriel's Handmaiden the At the End of All Things is not much worse in the end.

Feb 03, 2024 NERD 873

Great use of the contract! However, I might replace Valiant Sacrifice or a Silvan Refugee with a few more allies.

Feb 03, 2024 spinnerrogers 55

Yeah, I think the Valiant Sacrifices are the most replaceable cards for sure. Really like the Refugees though. I would consider Galadriel's Handmaiden if paired with O Lórien!, since I really want to be able to bounce the Silvans back and forth with ease. Resources are tight, with two heroes and paying for Éomer's ability.

I also like the idea of using Song of Eärendil in multiplayer to help prevent other players from threating out.

Edit Note: By the way, the title and description of the deck have been changed to reflect a connection I made to the Wheel of Time. I didn't quite put my finger on it originally, but this was the general concept I was channeling, so an all-female ally cast and two heroes are pretty much a must.

Feb 03, 2024 mmort 1

Green Ajah could have two warders if you need a third hero! I’m new to lotr lcg but reading through WOT and love the connection.

Feb 03, 2024 kjeld 709

Love this! And an Aes Sedai can always have more rings... I suggest Ring of Barahir, which bumps Galadriel up to 7 hp, enough to take some pretty beefy undefended attacks in a pinch. If you go that route, then A Stout Heart is also cheaper than Hasty Stroke for your cost curve.

Feb 03, 2024 kjeld 709

Make that 8hp with contract (and assuming Nenya + Mirror)

Feb 03, 2024 NERD 873

I agree that the refugees are great for the deck. However, you cannot have two of them in play and still bounce them. Thus, I would only run two copies, not three. You have plenty of low-cost Silvans to trigger the events so a few extra handmaidens would not hurt.

Feb 04, 2024 spinnerrogers 55

Thanks for the feedback! I agree there should be Handmaidens. One significant reason for three refugees though, is turn one questing. Fewer is worse in that regard, since it lowers your chances of contributing a decent amount of willpower. On the other hand, replacing Valiant Sacrifice with Handmaidens strictly improves your turn one questing consistency, while also providing a more stable questing solution long term (and reducing threat, and being able to trigger Feigned voices if needed). In multiplayer especially, where you have less control over whether Refugees survive, the Handmaidens are good to have.

Cool idea with the Ring of Barahir, kjeld!

Feb 04, 2024 PZenki 19

I had a lot of fun with this deck! I was sick over the weekend, so I played it through all of Khazad-Dum and Darrowdelf. I was surprised that it felt so smooth having only two heroes and not many allies. Handled the whole campaign like a champ, and I only scooped two or three where I had unlucky setups (and one where I forgot a bunch of triggers and things).

Feb 05, 2024 spinnerrogers 55

Glad you had fun with the deck! Thanks for sharing, happy to hear it won so many matchups. I can just imagine exhausting the Cave Torch at the end of the combat phase with ease. Oh! An enemy? That's fine. Slash