Ally Power Deck

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Derived from
Ally Power Deck 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Ally Power Deck 2 0 0 3.0
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The Beego 11

The Beego has a newer deck inspired by this one: Ally Power Deck

I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that are more qualified than me making better decks than this one could ever hope to be but I did the best I could with what I had. In the spirit of using (mostly) only what I have in real life, this deck uses the expansions I physically own (except I do not own three core sets). Regardless, the focus of this deck is on getting useful and powerful allies out with some heavy heroes to back them up. All of the attachments are only for heroes and most of them are for Elrond.

The typical strategy here is to get a Wizard Pipe on Gandalf and a Steward of Gondor and Vilya on Elrond. The other gadgets and tricks of the deck just flow naturally out of that setup so the earlier you get it the better off you'll be. Manipulate the top card of the deck with the Pipe to pull some heavy allies off with Vilya and use Elrond's ability to pay for any other ally out of your hand. Glorfindel is there to help mainly with combat (and definitely questing if you can find a Light of Valinor for him) and also aid in getting out some threat reduction events (the only events in the deck). Some Wardens of Healing pair nicely with Elrond's passive heal buff and can help you fend off some archery damage or unexpected combat damage. Since pulling the Vilya/Pipe combo off is so important, ally Galadriel and the event Word of Command make an appearance to help pull the important items out; it's likely you'll have either the items themselves or a way of digging to get them in your opening hand most of the time.

The difficult part in using this deck is getting it off the ground. A desired opening hand would include a Pipe, Title, and Ring. There are many different ways the first round can go, but usually you will either have to choose between Elrond getting his resource generation or his Ring. However you do it, the second round should start looking pretty good. Keep your threat down with the Counsels and Greetings and try to not take too many enemies too soon. Gildor can help with some card manipulation but it shouldn't be necessary. Timely Aid gives Elrond a little extra umph as you can reach five cards deep when you Vilya it onto the board.

I'm sure there are many tweaks that can be made to this deck to make it much better, but it works well so far and has played well at least against earlier quests (through the Against the Shadow box). Still, it's fun to have some big heroes and seeing a field of huge allies in just a couple of turns is pretty cool.


Feb 13, 2017 dalestephenson 1839

I'm surprised to see no Shadowfax or Gandalf's Staff for Gandalf. They're such powerful cards, and as neutrals are easy to play on Gandalf.

Feb 14, 2017 The Beego 11

@dalestephenson Yeah I originally had both in the deck, but after testing it several times I took them out to save space as they were useful when I got them but not entirely necessary to getting the combos I need off. I replaced their spots with Timely Aid and Word of Command to do a little more deck digging. Those Gandalf items should definitely be in the sideboard for sure though in case I need some extra readying in a particular quest or shadow effect cancellation. Heck, you may be right and they already should be in the deck and I'm just too dumb to realize it, but it's served me pretty well so far.

Feb 17, 2017 HootsFromErebor 49

Wizard Pipe and Vilya is a great combo, I definitely want to try this build. Have you thought about adding Master of the Forge to help find the pieces?

Feb 21, 2017 The Beego 11

@HootsFromEreborThat's a great idea! That's the same reason i stuck a Galadriel in there. Most of the time I at least get a Pipe or Ring but there are desperate times when I get neither and it's pretty hopeless. I might put one or two of him in.