Seastan's Single Core Set Solo

Questlogs using this decklist
Intruders in Chetwood - 1 Player - 2023-07-13
Fellowships using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Seastan 44918

Better version:

Try to quest with Theodred and Eowyn and use Beravor to draw every turn. Sacrifice allies if you have to. Once you get Unexpected Courage on Beravor, you can quest with her to get Theodred's resource boost and keep on drawing. Steward of Gondor goes on Eowyn.

To play Beorn, discard him to Eowyn and get him into play with Stand and Fight.

One neat trick: If you turn up The Brown Lands while questing, you can discard a Snowbourn Scout to Eowyn, then bring him into play with Stand and Fight and place a progress on the location to clear it from play before resolving the quest.

You can play Sneak Attack and Gandalf to play him for cheap, and if you do it during the combat phase, you can pair it with Ever Vigilant to use Gandalf for both defending and attacking. Or you can trigger Beorn's effect and use Ever Vigilant to make use of his 8 attack twice before he leaves play. Note that Valiant Sacrifice works when Gandalf or Beorn leave play.

If you are playing Journey along the Anduin, try to mulligan for The Galadhrim's Greeting. The extra turns you buy yourself before needing to engage the Hill Troll are worth more than a hand containing Steward of Gondor. Another trick for the hill troll is to save up resources and play Son of Arnor to engage the troll during the resource phase, then slap down a Forest Snare on it right away, so you never have to deal with its attacks.


Apr 20, 2016 Limelizard 1

Sneak Attack isn't in the deck.

Apr 20, 2016 Seastan 44918

@Limelizard Oops... you're right! Here is the fixed version:

Apr 21, 2016 Seastan 44918

Here is the fixed vesion: