Accompanied Miners

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Exploitation of Miners 19 14 4 2.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Pirate Brahm 1062

Pirate Brahm has a newer deck inspired by this one: Exploitation of Miners

This is my take on a Dwarf mining deck, but with Gandalf hovering over them to provide some much-needed light to dig by.

This is one of my decks that uses Gandalf's 'cantrips'. A zero cost card sitting on top of your deck (Cram, for example) is essentially a free effect. And since he can use his ability once per phase, this can feel like having free card draw throughout the course of your turn. There's one catch - it has to be playable at the time you need it; there's no playing that Cram from the top of your deck outside of the Planning Phase. Now, Wizard Pipe's effect is the old standby to swap in the card you need, and this deck uses it. Aside from piping and drawing, there's another mechanic that can be used to handle those cards on the top of your deck - mining.

The cards you're looking for in your opening hand is Wizard Pipe or Narvi's Belt These will help you get Expert Treasure-hunter into play. Since you can see that top card before you discard it, you get a guaranteed draw for each copy you have in play. Legacy of Durin provides additional draw.


-Pay attention to the top card of your deck, and use your events and miners to maximize Gandalf's ability. Well-Equipped can get that extra attachment onto your dwarf heroes. Flame of Anor is a great mining card that also readies and boosts Gandalf.

-After you have your first copy of Hidden Cache in your hand, use Dwarf Pipe to keep the other copies out of your discard pile.

-Use Miruvor to smooth resources. Play it on Dain Ironfoot or Nori. Have one of them gain a resource, send it to the top of the deck, and have Gandalf play it again. This is also useful to move a DĂșnedain Remedy around.

-Expert Treasure-hunter will discard Hidden Cache, which will drop resources prior to you drawing it. Wizard Pipe it back onto the deck for the next quest phase if you need more resources. You can also play to draw away that useless top card so Gandalf has something he can use his ability on.

-Expert Treasure-hunter on Ered Luin Miner, but don't call Ally. He'll pop into play for free.

-Flame of Anor pops an Ered Luin Miner into play while readying Gandalf with +3 attack.

-Erebor Guard mining a Hidden Cache pays for himself.

-You can sneak Bofur into the quest from the top of your deck, and then he sneaks into your hand after questing successfully. (Effectively a free draw and +3 to the quest total for the cost of 1 resource)