Wisdom and Wizardy enhanced – Fellowship of the Ring Saga

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Wisdom and Wizardy Suggested Fellowship of the Ring 2 37 25 2 1.0
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Morbold 72

A modified version of the deck Wisdom and Wizardy suggested in the Fellowship of the Ring Saga expansion using only the revised Core set and the first saga expansion. With it I was able to get through all the scenarios of the Fellowship of the Ring Saga, Passage through Mirkwood, and the two scenarios of The Dark of Mirkwood.

Modifications applied to the suggested deck:


Dec 21, 2023 doomguard 2191

Galadriel ability is not triggered if she comes with Sneak Attack. so i would replace her with (asuming only rev-content abeilaible) Galadriel's Handmaiden

pile up 5 res on gandalf to play Beorn is not worth it, would replace him with 1-2 Gondorian Shield

Théodred could gain a Valiant Sword repplacing 1 Celebrían's Stone

following my proposals the Sneak Attack for only Elrond makes less sense, so i would think about replacing it. Keen as Lances makes sense and is a valuable target for Flame of Anor as better replacement for Beorn because it can be paid much more easier and have flexible use.

Dec 21, 2023 Morbold 72

Thanks @doomguard, indeed I hadn't realize that Galadriel's ability is not triggered by Sneak Attack and might consider replacing this event.

Overall I agree with your other proposals (except for Beorn that can also be played combining both Éowyn's and Gandalf's ressources) but I don't have those cards ... This is an enhanced version of the suggested deck using the same sets of cards, so only the Core set and the first saga expansion. I'll update the description of the date to clarify this point!

Dec 22, 2023 Morbold 72

Deck* not date ahah