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In Play
Discard Pile
Seastan 45864
Solo decks featuring Firyal are going to be a common theme from me for the next little while. Her ability is incredibly good, as in solo you can almost guarantee to not see the absolute worst cards in the encounter deck.
She's expensive though, so for this deck I went half-in on the Elf-stone + high cost allies theme, and half in on the Damrod + traps theme, because I might as well since I've got the Master of the Forge in there anyway to find the stones.
Early Game
Get out the Steward+Good Harvest combo on Elrond. The deck doesn't absolutely need it, so if you are playing multiplayer feel free to drop it. But as this is mainly a solo deck, I don't feel like holding back. You can find the Steward with the Master and the Harvest with Heed the Dream.
Get out your high cost allies with Elf-stone and Elrond's resource generation.
A bit later
Use another Harvest to drop down The Fall of Gil-Galad on Mirlonde, and promptly kill her off for some nice -8 threat reduction. Prince Imrahil will become a hero, and you can start using his resources to pay for Unexpected Courage and any other spirit allies you haven't played yet.
Elrond becomes a very solid defender, with Unexpected Courage, A Burning Brand, Arwen Undómiel's defense boost, and healing support from Warden of Healing.
In summary,
This all might sound like a lot of setup, but with Firyal and the traps you can manipulate the encounter deck in such a way that you have a long time to build up your board state.
Feb 03, 2017 |
Feb 03, 2017
Feb 04, 2017Man, that's a subtle ruling, but it makes total sense now. 8 it is. |
Another deck to add to my list, which is quickly out-pacing the rate at which I get to try them out!
Quick rules question: If you use The Fall of Gil-Galad on Mirlonde, wouldn't your threat reduction be 7, since her ability is passive text, and The Fall of Gil-Galad specifies "threat", as opposed to "printed threat"?