Boromir / Legolas / Denethor II to support and stand no matt

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Elrond / Gandalf / Glorfindel + Boromir / Legolas / Denethor
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Boromir / Legolas / Gimli polyvalent and strong support 0 1 0 1.0
DUO_BUFF_AGGRO_BoDenLe 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Rouxxor 1830

Rouxxor has a newer deck inspired by this one: Boromir / Legolas / Gimli polyvalent and strong support

I created this deck with my Elrond / Gandalf / Glorfindel . They are for now the best duo I ever see.

But this deck is not. Definitly not. You are just here to feed and protect him on the two first turns. So you just play early game cards. But you can block 7 ennemies and kill 4 of them on the first turn so you did it very well.

You only play few allies to block the crazy attack values (8? 9?) of some ennemies when we don't (can't sometime) feint. Envoy also can give your ally one ressource, vassal help to kill fast ennemies. Only Bofur and Treebeard have to be protected and are here because some scenarios ask to all players to have allies (some tests, because we split).

We have legacy of numenor and steward of gondor to feed ally ressources. After that we usually give each turn our Denethor's ressource.

We have plenty of stuff for our hero. Boromir take gondorian shield, capitain of dondor, sword of numenor and/or dagger. With Arwen Bonus it is a 6 defense hero with sentinel who block any number of time. Legolas get one blade in one hand and a blow in the other one, and a third bow somewhere else. He receive unexpected courage and/or cram so he shot every single ennemy who sneak out. Denethor sometime receive a small gondorian shield but is more usefull to quest of help killing an ennemy.

We use we are not idle to play 47 cards instead of 50: we play it immediatly without exhaust any dwarf just to draw one card. So we find more easily our best cards. Sterner than steel is usefull to ensure fight going well. We still perfer hastly stroke because we don't want to block ANY ennemy with Boromir to gain some threat so we prefer a generic cancel card. Foe-Hammer and gather information are the only way to draw cards and be able not to be bored in midgame.

And finally we play the most usefull card to lower the threat (except double back): secret vigil. For 1 we usually get a -3 in every player, and always at less -2. Very good when playing our two decks with so many threat cost (hero, dommed, boromir action).