Mithlond Coast Guard

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Mithlond Coast Guard 2 0 0 2.0
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WanderingTook 1370

WanderingTook has a newer deck inspired by this one: Mithlond Coast Guard

Note: This deck was built alongside The Direct Approach deck (, and they are designed to work together.


A heavy questing deck splashed with some healing and direct damage.


Be like Círdan the Shipwright and Galdor of the Havens, and raise your hands in the air!

While a fairly standard questing deck, Galdor of the Havens, Círdan the Shipwright, and Elven-light provide enough card draw that we can afford to reduce number of duplicate unique attachments. This allows us greater flexibility in covering key weaknesses of the deck, and providing assistance to The Direct Approach in the form of card draw and additional direct damage support. What this leaves us with is a questing deck that is both powerful, and fun to play!


Mulligan for Silver Harp, as this will add flexibility to the abilities of Arwen Undómiel and Círdan the Shipwright. Narya is a solid second choice.

Use Arwen Undómiel's ability with impunity to advance your board state as quickly as possible. Gléowine is meant to help out The Direct Approach. This deck has plenty of card draw as it is, so share the love!

Ithilien Tracker is a decent card, and duplicate copies make excellent recipients for Ranger Bows. This also helps The Direct Approach do its thing. That's teamwork!

Círdan the Shipwright's forced effect may foil your plans to buff Sailor of Lune, but that can be rectified with a timely discard of Elven-light.

Speaking of Círdan the Shipwright, once you get him hooked up with Light of Valinor, you will get some serious mileage out of Narya:

If all goes well, The Direct Approach should be keeping enemies from your doorstep, but it helps to have a backup plan just in case. Between Narya, Lords of the Eldar, Elwing's Flight, and Fair and Perilous, you should have enough bodies and attack power to hold your own if the worst happens.

As a final note, Wingfoot is a cheeky include that may help The Direct approach pull off the Anborn + Sword-thain combo of pain, a la @Seastan.


Mithlond Coast Guard, together with The Direct Approach, obliterate Raid on the Grey Havens.