The Alliance (Solo Tri Sphere)

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spanishinquisition 267

These have been my favourite heroes in recent times, and I have included them in various decks, but never all together. Unsurprisingly, they make a powerful combination.

You should mulligan for Steward of Gondor to put on Círdan the Shipwright, however an Errand-rider or two can do the job. Círdan the Shipwright is the best target, because he will eventually have Narya attached to pay for leadership cards as well. Ideally, you will have Steward of Gondor and at least one Errand-rider out early game to pay for the pricey allies that make up this deck. Silver Harp is great on Círdan the Shipwright once you draw it, but it isn't essential. Gondorian Shield and Unexpected Courage should go on Denethor.

Card draw is good thanks to Círdan the Shipwright's ability, but it can be greatly accelerated with Erestor, Glorfindel and Elven-light. Threat reduction comes from Elrond's Counsel and Gandalf.

The allies provide the attack power, and the questing, which starts out strong, can go through the roof after a few rounds, especially if Faramir hits the table. Déorwine provides added defence and the ability to cancel shadow cards.

As always, Éowyn's ability should not be saved for late game, but should be used early to keep your board clear or to give you a good battle quest start. If you don't have to use it, great, but clearing off an enemy and allowing you an additional turn to get a powerful ally out is worth it over the course of the game. Once you get two or three of these powerful allies out the encounter deck will struggle to get traction.

Generally speaking, you need to watch how many high cost allies you put in a deck, but I found that the resource acceleration and smoothing in this deck saw me playing a costly ally each turn pretty consistently. If there was ever a time when the deck started somewhat sluggishly, a Sneak Attack Gandalf would often suffice to give me that one extra turn that I needed.

I have thoroughly enjoyed playing this deck, and I know I'll be using it again in the future. For anyone who gives this deck a go, I hope you have just as much fun and success.