Ingold Lord of Morthon

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Kaspatou 801

I didn't see yet an Ingold/The Grey Wanderer deck.

We have a ton of resources with Resourceful and Steward of Gondor and a ton of cards draw with Ingold and Lord of Morthond.

16 allies no so 16 cards drawed.

Alep allies are very good with The Grey Wanderer, we have easily one resource on each hero ! :D

Strength of Arms is here for hard turns.

The rest is a classic swarm Gondor.

Enjoy !


Nov 12, 2023 doomguard 2191

need some luck to get 2 allies out per round, start seems slow to me. i think Horns! Horns! Horns! could help to fasten up (and use this ally for A Very Good Tale together with a regular played or with one Sneak Attack-ed in. )

i think overall its not bad , but is definetly much worse than a Lord of Morthond + Hirluin the Fair (like )

doing this way i would consider:

Nov 12, 2023 Kaspatou 801

Yeah i agree, Hirluin the Fair is clearly the best The Grey Wanderer.

But i already have this deck with outlands.

Here i wanted to play thematic with gondor allies. All your suggestions could be good but it takes a lot of cards. ~10. If i have less allies, A Very Good Tale works less well, i draw less too.

However i tested some times and indeed, Henneth Annûn Guard is quite poor.

I think that Honour Guard could shine here : card draw with Ingold and Lord of Morthond and with Rammas Sentry, Defender of Rammas has virtually 5/6 hp so he defends everything (in addition to Squire of the Citadel for the biggest ennemy).

We could make some defenseless attack too.

Nov 12, 2023 doomguard 2191

A Lesson in Caution is something i would include if not going the spiritroute but perhaps only for the 2 Henneth Annûn Guard to keep enough allies.

Nov 13, 2023 Kaspatou 801

Yep it's a great idea !

Nov 13, 2023 Whispers 463

Nice deck Kas :D

May be Raiment of War ? Denethor and Boromir are really thematic and pretty good in grey wanderer s deck ;)

Nov 13, 2023 Kaspatou 801

It's a Gondor deck, it's normal that this is nice for you ;)

I considered Raiment of War but i prefer Honour Guard and Rammas Sentry to cancel damage. I can draw twice with them :D

I can't play Boromir in this deck, and Denethor is so bad ! :D

Nov 13, 2023 Whispers 463

my bad :D

You sure is not more opti to have Strider set up and 3 Lord of Morthond ?

Nov 13, 2023 Kaspatou 801

I don't know, maybe i could draw Strider thanks to Lord of Morthond? :D But yeah for T1 strider is better :)

Strider/The Grey Wanderer is just too common ! :D

Nov 13, 2023 Greensbrew 83

Yup, this looks like a very nice and effective Gondor deck!

Just missing that encounter control, and i agree that it might be worth making room for Armored Destrier to at least take shadow cards off the worst enemies.

And include a few Northern Tracker or Rhovanion Outrider

And if you discard Gondorian Shield to A Very Good Tale that seems like a big deal, so maybe include 2, or would it miss A Very Good Tale that much?

Nov 13, 2023 Greensbrew 83

Ancestral Armor? looks like resources will get plenty enough, and it goes great on Knight of the White Tower as well.

Nov 13, 2023 doomguard 2191

if i understand it right, the allies should do the maindefending, and then an Ancestral Armor is worth 2 allies and draw 2 cards and better dense of allies for the tale.

while an Armored Destrier is cheaper and do shadowcancelling, i can understand ad+ally its more worth than an expensive Ancestral Armor

Nov 13, 2023 Kaspatou 801

Yep indeed, i will defend with Defender of Rammas boosted by Rammas Sentry. #TeamRammas ! :D

I am happy if have a fast Gondorian Shield but it's not a pb if I have not i suppose. But yeah with Armored Destrier it's interesting.

I have resources with this deck but i have cards too so i prefer play 2 allies than an too expansive Ancestral Armor.

Northern Tracker is for 3/4 players in my mind but in this case why not !

Thank you all for your suggestions, it's very interesting to discuss with you ! And i have made some good changes thanks to you !