Stealth and Steadfastness Upgrade

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Stealth and Steadfastness Upgrade 0 0 0 1.0
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Fanon 23

My decks include only cards from reprinted sets beggining with the Revised core set. -I don't have much experience building three-sphere deck. -The allies seem pretty expensive, but you can cheat them in with Sneak Attack and Ellf-Stone. -Most of the allies are kept for the roleplay (Farmer Maggot and Barliman Butterbur) but I think they can work in the earlier quests for example. -I was thinking maybe using more weapons and adding Foe-Hammer.


Nov 06, 2023 doomguard 2121

would add 3 Cram perfect for Merry, because sam has inbuild readying-mechanic Cram can be recycled with Erebor Hammersmith

would reduce the unique tacticallies for that.

if using Foe-hammer then i would discard Valiant Sacrifice for it, in campaign with 3 hobbits Frodo's Intuition is such a great card and together with Daeron's Runes there might be enough carddraw. if adding Foe-hammer 2 more weapons seems to be wise War Axe and/or Blade of Gondolin

why not including the good old swiss-knife Gandalf? specially with Sneak Attack he is a banger. would reduce the unique lore-allies to 1 for 3 Gandalf

Nov 07, 2023 Fanon 23

Thanks for the comment! I don't have Cram, Fast Hitch would also be awesome. Thanks for the suggestions in terms of what weapons to add for Foe-hammer. I can't include Gandalf because this deck is played with the other pre-made deck Wisdom and Wizardy, which uses the hero version of Gandalf. That is a bit shame, but I didn't want to change the provided decks too much.

Nov 07, 2023 doomguard 2121

Cram is within the reprint dwarfes.

without Gandalf i am not sure its worth 3 Sneak Attack

Gléowine is worth it and remove condition attachents valuable Miner of the Iron Hills