CotR 2023 Danger Zone: Top Gun Last Alliance of Eagles & Sco

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Last Alliance of Eagles & Scouts 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Doc_H 224

Setup: For Widfast's creature-discount setup action, take Eagles of the Misty Mountains. But you will need to get a second Tactics resource vis Alagos ability in order to play it that first round. This is easier than it sounds though, as any of these will work in your opening hand or mulligan: Wilyador, Sneak Attack any eagle, Woodland Courier, Gavin, or Dunedain Pathfinder. These scouts get a 1 resource discount and you can use the contract ability to change Alagos' text to say "After an Eagle OR SCOUT ally enters..."

This way, you can start feeding Eagles of the Misty Mountains from the first turn.

Combat is pretty straight-forward as you might imagine.

Questing is trickier: the Scouts help a lot here, as does Widfast's ability to pull a second location down. Also, Scouting Party can be altered with the contract to say "if each character you have committed to the quest is an eagle OR SCOUT..." which leads to some nice burst questing.

Threat: starts high at 35. But can be lowered with Hidden Roosts and Secret Vigil.

I brought an alt art deck with images from the Top Gun movies as well as various US military fixed wing craft (for the Eagles) or rotary (for the Scouts) to Con of the Rings 2023. I am working on a new alt art companion deck for CotR 2024.


Oct 19, 2023 doomguard 2191

far from tolkien, but nice ;) genius contract-use with scouts for either Alagos or Scouting Party

in your special case the good old classic Snowbourn Scout could have his shining hour (played for free and add the 2. tactic-res)

you could even use the contract to feed the Eagles of the Misty Mountains with chumping Snowbourn Scout if nothing better to do with the contractaction.

would add a Silver Circlet and Celebrían's Stone both on Widfast to make questing a little bit easier. consider Grappling Hook for a well fed Eagles of the Misty Mountains.

Oct 19, 2023 doomguard 2191

would not use the Chieftain of the Skies devoted cannot be used here and then they are to expensive. would not use more than 1 Dunedain Pathfinder to much additional locations could be hard to handle, if using Snowbourn Scout there should be enough cheap scouts.

Oct 19, 2023 Doc_H 224

Oh very nice ideas, thank you!

I should have mentioned I use the contract to feed scouts to the E of the MM. And, yes, it does need Snowbourn Scout!

Those would be good attachments for Widfast if I was playing this more solo and needed to quest. I will have to think about what images to use for my alt art, though...maybe aviator sunglasses and that leather jacket?

And I do have Grappling Hook in my sideboard, although I renamed it Tail Hook and have an image of an F-18 landing on a carrier.

Oct 20, 2023 Marctimmins89 116

Bravo Doc! Looks cool as! The Hero Alt Arts were amazing.

Oct 20, 2023 Doc_H 224

Thanks! The whole deck was super fun to do; this was my first time trying alt art. One day when we get a face-to-face game together, I will give you a copy if you'd like.

Oct 20, 2023 Marctimmins89 116

A game in person with you would be such a treat! Let alone a bunch of cool alt art birds! Maybe one day. I'll hold out hope.