The Line Unbroken - Peril in Pelargir Deck 1

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
The Line Unbroken - Peril in Pelargir
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Warden of Arnor 6005

a.k.a. Leaders of Men.

The Line Unbroken is my Progression-style playthrough of the LOTR LCG - two-handed, going through each quest using only cards which were available at the time of the release (though following up-to-date rules/errata), and trying to show off as much of the card pool as possible, including for the vast majority of the quests, using the new hero(es) in the boxes where they were released.

This was my first deck for Peril in Pelargir.

Here's the second deck: And here's the fellowship:

Youtube playthrough:


Apr 07, 2018 arti47 16

Hi, may I know what is the purpose of adding “We are not idle”?

Apr 10, 2018 Warden of Arnor 6005

@arti47It's 0-cost to draw a card. It effectively makes the deck three cards smaller and thus more consistent.

Apr 10, 2018 arti47 16

@Warden of Arnor hi thanks for the reply. But don’t you need Dwarf characters to exhaust and use this card? Forgive me if I’ve read the text wrongly.

Apr 11, 2018 Warden of Arnor 6005

Nope. X can be 0. So you exhaust 0 dwarves, gain 0 resources, but still draw card.

Apr 11, 2018 arti47 16

Oic. Thanks for the clarification. :)

Sep 06, 2018 pd187540 42

WOW, I never knew that about We Are Not Idle! I've been playing this card wrong throughout the whole Hobbit saga expansion sets. I never knew you could use 0 as a number and still draw a card.